Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Limo Drivers License Toronto

Russian in Germany

Help solve the problem!
Hello people! My first time in your journal. Need serious advice-how to leave my mother in Germany. I bring up one his seven-month a daughter, while working every day and learning - an end of this semester Hochschule. Mama's tourist visa expires in early January. The next she could received only three months after returning home (in Minsk) and again only three months. I am not able to during her absence to handle one - in my passport Bewilligung, which does not entitle to any social benefits (Kinder-, Erzieungsgeld), so I'm working on. At Tagesmutter went to all earned dengi.Vopros: as an official way to leave mom here? I would be glad to serious sound advice.

How Many Days Of Fertile Cervical Mucus


Help solve the problem!
Hello people! My first time in your journal. Need serious advice-how to leave my mother in Germany. I bring up a seven-month his daughter, while working every day and learning - an end of this semester Hochschule. Mama's tourist visa expires in early January. The next she could get only three months after returning home (in Minsk) and again only three months. I am not able at the time of her overcome the lack of one - in my passport Bewilligung, which does not entitle to any social benefits (Kinder-, Erzieungsgeld), so I'm working on. At Tagesmutter went to all earned dengi.Vopros: as an official way to leave my mother here? I would be glad to serious sound advice.