Saturday, January 29, 2011

Welcome To The Church Choir Letter Templete


Ahead week vacation. Planner book is packed with all kinds of plans and meetings. The motto of the week: Walk and shoot!

Where Can I Get Atra Razor Blades

xmiro @ 2011-01-29T11:58:00

Still, doctors make me delight. Especially its absolute misunderstanding of what they do musicians. Once again had to tell to whom I am studying and who did I end up going. Dr. Elizarov indignantly why he have not heard me on TV. Certainly sounded one of my "favorite" question: you have a good voice? or - well you sing? leaves me perplexed by Since I can not objectively judge the talents and virtues. This is practically the same as asking: you're a good doctor? Well, who says that he is bad expert in your field?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dawn Of War Soulstorm Cd Kulcs

who is who

I have a few days of hatching the idea, but voiced her today [info] marsha_sanders and [info] rat_mistle : What in your opinion the most sexy profession?
first place is shared between pilot and captain
runner-up doctor (ideally operating surgeon), but not one that sits in the clinic and wrote recipes grandma, and one that works in a hospital.
third place Conductor of opera and symphony. Oh, this energy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Xilisoft Not Enough Free Space

xmiro @ 2011-01-26T14:24:00

made this little diversion: med.kartu seized from the clinic. It was easier than I thought: smile - the female arms. It now remains delete history from a couple Moscow hospital from Dubninskaya child health clinics and ... and then what to do with these riches, I could think of. Just myself liked the idea. No history of illness and disease do not have any.

What Kind Of Pain Is Involved With Hernia Repair

xmiro @ 2011-01-26T14:13:00

finished watching a series of "experiment". I think that nothing scared of nettles and jellyfish. Truly be afraid of people and only them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Chemical Romance Skeleton Pajamas

xmiro @ 2011-01-25T16:58:00

's imagine this scenario: you are at work, school, business, health simpotichnogo meet a man who once you like. How do you know whether you liked him? Suppose you ask him the phone on the pretext of your affairs if you need to re-access it and He gives you a phone ... only the worker. Does it mean that you can only do business?

Stretchy Yellow Cervical Mucus Before Period

jannafr @ 2011-01-25T13: 18:00

Were there moments in your life when you wanted something radically changed in his life, physical appearance: to disguise a fiery redhead, go to the office of the head with an intriguing smile and flirt with the shadow .... put on his desk a letter of resignation: "Are vederchi! Good luck! Boring and tedious perebiranie papers, and bulging red eyes, looking for the right files in the computer brought me to stress, perhaps even recklessness, and I decided to become .... designer, florist, teacher in a kindergarten, etc. .. "
And what about the slam the door and leave the house in some sneakers, allegedly left behind a loaf of bread to go through ..... ten years ... Oh, no! the same script from the male! Then leave her husband without saying goodbye, taking the child (or without cause, if not available), ostensibly for a walk in the zoo, and forget the journey back home ...
or a blow to Buddhism, to adopt the most stringent (and ill to the stomach!) vegetarianism and eat only herbs ....

Were these moments? Confess!