Friday, December 24, 2010

Multiverse Poptropica

* Merry Christmas *

Waking morning and saw a gray day outside, not like Rozhdestevskuyu tale, a little upset. Why snow has melted so early? Do not wait just a few days are to please us with snow-white carpet is crunchy underfoot? All melted, turned into liquid dirty mess ...
But on the kitchen table waiting for me cute, totally unexpected holiday surprise for me (totally incapable of making surprise) her husband. Although we decided not to give each other gifts, but only indulge in a wonderful family dinner of candlelight, my half have decided to surprise me, complimenting the beautiful and adores me an orchid! And how many tender words of love and tenderness was written in a postcard! (But leave them in your heart, because it is private, right?!?)
mood immediately rose, sun lit in the soul, illuminating the coming Rozhdesttvensky day a sense of celebration that I give you, my friends!

Merry Christmas!

Let your life be illuminated by such small surprises that make our lives brighter, which leave different colored spots on the pale-gray our background is not always Pestryaev colors of life.
Love you, warmth, family well-being!


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