Friday, April 9, 2010

Oklahoma License Template

barrrakuda @ 2010-04-09T09: 37:00

с одной стороны Time is now without a diploma should be plenty. I was afraid that I would sit all day in the LJ. but it came a strange time - public zavulirovannye promises, weird posts about "can not bear children." Learn to me some space, which is difficult to clearly identify. On the one hand are people who I personally almost never met and never, for that matter, no meeting. on the other hand, I know that on the other side of the net sit the same human beings, with whom I meet at the bakery, kindergarten, work etc, and all these "real" people I'd never venture into the face begin to speak. over the past six months I have been less stress - travel, illness in children, difficulty with a diploma, a hassle to work - I had no desire to function adds itself adrenaline through the Inet. I am sorry to be cleaned tape, but it seems it is inevitable.
sentence today for me, "And if you someone ugly did, then tell him 'thank you' - you get valuable experience." I want to try is to convey to their children. maybe it will help them pay less attention to the "outer circle".


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