Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pokemon Stuffed Animals Battle

Homeopathy: for or against?

do you think of homeopathy?
I - absolutely, positively ... until recently ... but without excessive to anyone not required fanaticism. I think that the grass - that's fine, their benefits are undeniable, sometimes with help of some ailments (note that it is the ailments but not serious illness!).
But now about homeopathy and do not want to hear! All homeopathy in the furnace in the dustbin!
Yes, maybe I'm hot, who knows, maybe I will take it back after a while, but now "I am angry, oh, how angry I am!" on homeopathy! No, probably more on the midwife that it (homeopathy) forgotten.
And it was like this ... (There will be a little bit about the kids, sores ... but they asked ... said that "mommy tales" will not be boring for you)

have formed a small crumb of our white patches on the tongue. I like the Mothers without experience and knowledge, began to worry, but a midwife (which is regularly visited by us, examines, weighs, consults, massage does), assured that nothing serious, it's just a raid on milk.
I calmed down meekly trusting professional. Only here the raid not only did not disappear, but rather became more and more, all the babes tongue coated white layer thickness a few millimeters.
Then I began to worry in earnest, began looking for Old Internet (which I had not done it in everyday life ??!!??) and found that it turns this is not a raid, and dirty infection, the fungus - yeast! Yes, the same fungus that we women sometimes delivers solid inconvenience and trouble.
I naturally immediately phoned the midwife, explained his concerns, asked to attend.
When she saw the baby's mouth, gasped: "What you tell me earlier did not call? "
" So you said that this raid! "
" Ah, yes ... Well, was attacked, now thrush.
I firmly said no, because the main thing for me was - to cure quickly a child who was crying, worried.
she left homeopathic drops to drip in her mouth little girl and treat breast, said that through the 4-6 days everything will be as arm lift. Certainly not! Not only not gone, and it got worse! The fungus has spread to the ass, which sported a scattering of small red pryschichkov-like sores.
When we got to the doctor and explained the efforts treatments, he only laughed: "Homeopathy ... haha! and it you really wanted to fight the fungus? "
I felt ashamed, embarrassed, stood before him, head bowed, hiding the shame burning her cheeks ... First grader as guilty, which reports to the teacher.
How could I make friends on this? After all, sick in his life had not a little, and sometimes seriously. I know that such methods (I'm all about the same homeopathy) are perfect for the prevention but not for serious treatment.
course the disease is not fatal, but for each mother (especially not experienced) any sore child - is already a disaster!
thrush cure, but because the fungus grew with incredible force, manifests itself from time to time. Wicked dirty dog! As well hard to bring you! Chased him with ointments in their hands, but to eradicate completely and failed.
Now I'm angry at the midwife, homeopathy ... and myself. Mommy to be not just ... but I'm learning ...

And how do you feel about homeopathy? Is it treated? what were the results?


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