Friday, September 17, 2010

Why Men Grow Their Pinky Nail

Cottage cheese casserole

If the last time my curd casserole failed, bringing nothing but trouble spoiling the mood a little and destroying my plans Surprise ( here I wrote about it ), then this time turned out in my mind just perfect!
Although recipes such a great variety of casseroles, but fell in love with this one. Everything is done quickly, easily, and the result - a complete delicious!


0.5 kg. curd
2-3 eggs
100-150 grams of sugar (depending on how sweet love)
2.5-3 tablespoons semolina
2 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt

vanilla sugar to taste, or vanilla essence
almond essence (you can without it)
berries, fruit or dried fruit to your taste

0.5 kg. curd was ground through screen (so Casserole becomes softer, you can skip through the meat grinder, but I do not have entogo modern units, so we're on the old peasant, through a strainer spoon cafeteria we press-triturated).
take 3 small eggs (or 2 large), are divided into whites and yolks. In the yolks add 100-150 grams of sugar fork whisk a little bit (who likes more sweet, add more sugar).
to proteins schepotochku add salt and beat with an electric mixer to a thick foam.
put in cottage cheese little vanilki (vanilla sugar or essence), I sometimes add almond essence, 2.5 - 3 tbsp. l. semolina (can substitute for flour, but with a decoy tastier), 2 tsp. baking powder. To this add the weight of the yolks mixed with sugar, all good mark.
At the end add neatly, do not hurry-whipped whites, stirring.
Cover the cooked form of baking paper (not otherwise otderesh then our zapekanochku). We spread a layer of cheese (about 75% of the the whole mass of curd). Then washed and dried fruits or berries (very tasty with currant, strawberry + blueberry, cherry, can be dried fruit (apricots, raisins) but with a tart fruit, berries taste better) and again a layer of cheese mass.
Then this zapekanochku in the oven to 180 degrees ...... I baked somewhere in 40 minutes, but here Focus on your oven. If you put
vanilku, keep your household away from the oven, because the smell is soooo killer-attractive vkusnyuchy ....
Once the top zapekanochki become ruddy, pull! our creation is ready!
only need it to cool. You can eat with sour cream, you can and without ..... mnyam-mnyam!


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