Friday, December 24, 2010

Wording For A Shark Birthday

barrrakuda @ 2010-12-24T21: 55:00

Hooray! Gifts given, dishes washed after dinner, Santa Claus came, the children are asleep, sit alone at home look. On the day!)))

Multiverse Poptropica

* Merry Christmas *

Waking morning and saw a gray day outside, not like Rozhdestevskuyu tale, a little upset. Why snow has melted so early? Do not wait just a few days are to please us with snow-white carpet is crunchy underfoot? All melted, turned into liquid dirty mess ...
But on the kitchen table waiting for me cute, totally unexpected holiday surprise for me (totally incapable of making surprise) her husband. Although we decided not to give each other gifts, but only indulge in a wonderful family dinner of candlelight, my half have decided to surprise me, complimenting the beautiful and adores me an orchid! And how many tender words of love and tenderness was written in a postcard! (But leave them in your heart, because it is private, right?!?)
mood immediately rose, sun lit in the soul, illuminating the coming Rozhdesttvensky day a sense of celebration that I give you, my friends!

Merry Christmas!

Let your life be illuminated by such small surprises that make our lives brighter, which leave different colored spots on the pale-gray our background is not always Pestryaev colors of life.
Love you, warmth, family well-being!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ears And Menstruation

Dreams Come True and .... do not come true

And you know what you think of at the very moment when ... Chimes ... clock strikes 12 in the New Year? Probably every one of you has already come up with a wish that the buoy is hoped, will celebrate the coming 2011!
Do you know what Zagha I? Yes, I know, and again we all now know the old jokes, saying that if you tell someone you will never come true ...
And tell because anyway in the near future Will not come true! My desire is simple: at last night's sleep! -)))
lie down in a warm, soft, comfortable bed and sleep through commercials without a break 10 hours! Well, at least 8 ... okay, agree and 6!
sheer utopia!

can still share what you think of? well at least a hint? interesting!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pctv 3010i Media Center

My child, take papilla!

because My husband does not study the Russian language (After futile attempts vyzubrit even numbers and a couple of words in the beginning of our life together, decided to throw a bad job), then the language had no mishaps place to be.
but today she smiled one saying her husband.
Linochka crying, then she began to suck cam. I give her a pacifier and says: "Daughter, kulachochek take out, take the papilla ... "
Husband:" You constantly repeat sosodzhku "... did you her that, sausages suggest? "
Here is how it sounded in my lips -)))

Monday, November 29, 2010

Watch Operation Repo The Movie Free Online

Christmas begins with ... Fair!

Yes, exactly, since before Christmas, still almost a month, and the fair has opened up last Monday.

last year took my first familiarity with this, the most famous worldwide German Christmas market. Their enthusiasm, backed up by photographs, I described here . I myself was curious to reread their own experiences and compare them to the onset of this year. I want to say that virtually nothing has changed. Only this time I knew what to expect. But the impression because of this were not less bright. Maybe it's because a year has passed, now is the cold, City pulled off a golden autumn dress, and "dress up" in the winter dull gray, and the soul still want something bright and festive, cheer up!

far chosen we have now is not possible, therefore, went to Alexander platz, where the area had built a big fair.

As soon as we got there, again all spun: smells grill, smoked meats, spices, bright lights (which make even in daylight the holiday spirit), music, human noise, laughter, joy and joy in the eyes of others ...

Oh, how nice to get back into this whirlwind, to plunge into the magic world, to feel like a kid (as in the first all I wanted to eat it is Christmas cakes, after all how much I love them, I have already described in my "Ode lebkuchen" )! I will share with you my photo impressions.

Last year, his eyes spotted in the first place sausages and grilled meats, but this time can eat svezhekopchenenkoy Fish?

or HOT, just some bread from the oven?

liked here, these delicate and airy glass

incredible Beauty candles

such nice houses

funny, naughty snowmen

funny deer

and even Russian nesting dolls!

behold these "Crank" I'm still seeing the distance, named monsters, and how it was moee surprise that hit the mark! Toy colorful gubastiki In fact, it Monsters -)))

and how to do without my favorite cakes! in a very unusual, home-insulated form! )))

and this shop can be purchased a great variety of all braided stuff: baskets, vases, boxes, chairs and even bicycles for the smallest crumbs!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Buy Luna Lovegood's Lion Hat

barrrakuda @ 2010-11-23T09: 24:00

Ha lizavetin others with relatives Sunday we just glut oneself (!) Olivier, herring under a fur coat and a duck. Now, with absolutely no idea what to cook on ng and Christmas ((((repetition obdiralovki do not want (((And what do you have planned?

Posted via .

Monday, November 22, 2010

Denise Milani Hd Wallpaper

foreign language .... diapers??

In your opinion, What do you think, at what age should or are likely to be starting to teach a child a foreign language? I do not mean the international version of the family (Like ours, where woven together as much 3 languages: Russian, German and English!!! And you can get confused, what is a foreign language ?!?), a simple, assume monolingual family.

Yes, our modern society with the incredible progress, and a giant leap forward into the future, lays its imprint on upbringing and development of children. And if before everything went on as usual: kindergarten, school, extracurricular activities, now in addition to the general education program Parents load the kids extra classes, circles, sections, hire a bunch of tutors to a child and managed to show tremendous results in all subjects. Probably every parent is sure that it was his child - a child prodigy!

I am absolutely NOT against the new theories of early development, " implying sessions with the children in the earliest stages of their life journey. Like many believe that a child like a sponge absorb knowledge, and learned a very early age material is laid in memory for years to come.

But! Tell me, can actually make sense led 6-month! child in the group of English lessons?

At this age the child is his own (future home) language is hard to understand, with absolutely It does not speak and is limited to communicating only through agukanya and gykanya. Still held more than one and two months, when the joyful parents begin to distinguish (Or rather guess) in the issued kid sounds a semblance of spoken words, understandable in the beginning as soon as a child and to them, their parents.

Such classes (English for kids 6 months), there are in Berlin. Article O Yat far from cheap. I regard it as good (and in my opinion is very easy) "pumping" money from the naive parents who blindly believe that these lessons will benefit the child.

course, if the deal with a child constantly: required every day for several hours, the result will fail. Alternatively, some methods consider the nurse, speaking exclusively to foreign language (remember, in the old days it was a governess in tsarist Russia is almost always French, and children of aristocrats spoke French as their mother tongue, Russian, talking to him from infancy).
Seeing the sight of her husband's vain attempts to find work, I worry about his own fate in this area in future. So can I organize training classes crumbs English? Schedule can be adjusted by yourself, full-time (8-hour day) I do not care just thought to look for something on the floor bet ... Only here with small children is difficult to work because interest them in English would be difficult to think ... Yes, and if the moms are unhappy that their offspring do not say "how do yu do" in a month .... be like? -)))

PS What shocked and smiled ... I understand that the taste child needs to instill since childhood, but reading 2-month child Blok, Mandelstam .... it's not too?

While assuming that the crumbs that Block that Chukovsky, "the devil")))

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pokemon Stuffed Animals Battle

Homeopathy: for or against?

do you think of homeopathy?
I - absolutely, positively ... until recently ... but without excessive to anyone not required fanaticism. I think that the grass - that's fine, their benefits are undeniable, sometimes with help of some ailments (note that it is the ailments but not serious illness!).
But now about homeopathy and do not want to hear! All homeopathy in the furnace in the dustbin!
Yes, maybe I'm hot, who knows, maybe I will take it back after a while, but now "I am angry, oh, how angry I am!" on homeopathy! No, probably more on the midwife that it (homeopathy) forgotten.
And it was like this ... (There will be a little bit about the kids, sores ... but they asked ... said that "mommy tales" will not be boring for you)

have formed a small crumb of our white patches on the tongue. I like the Mothers without experience and knowledge, began to worry, but a midwife (which is regularly visited by us, examines, weighs, consults, massage does), assured that nothing serious, it's just a raid on milk.
I calmed down meekly trusting professional. Only here the raid not only did not disappear, but rather became more and more, all the babes tongue coated white layer thickness a few millimeters.
Then I began to worry in earnest, began looking for Old Internet (which I had not done it in everyday life ??!!??) and found that it turns this is not a raid, and dirty infection, the fungus - yeast! Yes, the same fungus that we women sometimes delivers solid inconvenience and trouble.
I naturally immediately phoned the midwife, explained his concerns, asked to attend.
When she saw the baby's mouth, gasped: "What you tell me earlier did not call? "
" So you said that this raid! "
" Ah, yes ... Well, was attacked, now thrush.
I firmly said no, because the main thing for me was - to cure quickly a child who was crying, worried.
she left homeopathic drops to drip in her mouth little girl and treat breast, said that through the 4-6 days everything will be as arm lift. Certainly not! Not only not gone, and it got worse! The fungus has spread to the ass, which sported a scattering of small red pryschichkov-like sores.
When we got to the doctor and explained the efforts treatments, he only laughed: "Homeopathy ... haha! and it you really wanted to fight the fungus? "
I felt ashamed, embarrassed, stood before him, head bowed, hiding the shame burning her cheeks ... First grader as guilty, which reports to the teacher.
How could I make friends on this? After all, sick in his life had not a little, and sometimes seriously. I know that such methods (I'm all about the same homeopathy) are perfect for the prevention but not for serious treatment.
course the disease is not fatal, but for each mother (especially not experienced) any sore child - is already a disaster!
thrush cure, but because the fungus grew with incredible force, manifests itself from time to time. Wicked dirty dog! As well hard to bring you! Chased him with ointments in their hands, but to eradicate completely and failed.
Now I'm angry at the midwife, homeopathy ... and myself. Mommy to be not just ... but I'm learning ...

And how do you feel about homeopathy? Is it treated? what were the results?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cold Sore On Dogs Lip


last month of pregnancy even though he was not too difficult, but but one of the most lazy (not counting the first 3 months of utter and unrestrained sleep): did not want to read or watch TV or sit at the computer a lot in the network.
But brain activity to work at 100%! Experiences anxiety, uncertainty, temporal uncertainty: "What? when and how ?"... and even fear the unknown future, which in a moment will arise the new, like a dear creature, but which absolutely do not know what to do?
tormented question: "I can / can not", "can handle / not cope" ... Understand that millions of women on the planet to cope, and therefore I will succeed, but the worm of doubt gnawed cerebellum. And even the support of her husband and mother, their constant comfort, they say EVERYTHING WILL BE HO-PO-SHO! not help ... Interestingly, this happens in all future moms or is it I'm so panikersha?
To think less had to do with themselves in some useful work. As I mentioned, books, computer and TV are not helped, the brain is still switched on "Thought", but quite unexpectedly, crochet hook, but the same hook for knitting yarn and a pair of Hanks did their job! Pacify defies entreaties calm mind, released to the environment of anxiety and panic a little.
But the fruit of my rukobludstva before you!

first SUPPORTING: blouse and pinetochki, designed for children aged 0-3 months, but we are incredibly huge, because We were born just dwarfs, small crumbs. But just as winter is coming, hope to be able to still revile new clothes, so tenderly made by mom.
A Bilen'ke dress ... mmmm ... slightly modified. It is not enough ... 'll laugh: those "creepy roses." C -)))
Where to find shops in Berlin on knitting, I'll never know, and frankly, time to it does not now, but on top planochke dresses must be (originally) small rosettes. I really hope that everything is in the spring I have them somewhere I will seek, razdobudu, as would like to see this elegant dress my daughter wore to the baptism (which did not even know yet when held, but the time is!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sony Ericsson W595 Sip

Apple - Carrot Cake

Apple season began, so it's time to bake apple pies! According to this recipe was baking for the first time and niskolechko not disappointed, because the cake turned out juicy and delicious.
only thing to apples, I added the rest of my cherry tree (well, why should the product be wasted!?) And, as it turned out, not in vain: the apples were sugary cherry and gave desired cake sour, but quite a bit, just to the cake was not cloyingly sweet.

Apple - Carrot Cake

3 eggs (took 2)
80 g cl oil
150 g sugar 4 apples
(I had a 1.5 is pretty big apple, and somewhere in 100-125 grams of cherries in brine)
1 carrot 200g flour

1h l baking powder
vanilla (added more cinnamon, as well as his beloved classics: apple cinnamon? -)))
1h liter of honey or jam light

yolks separated from whites, beaten with butter and 100g sugar.
carrots and one apple clean, grate, mix with the yolk mass.
There also sift flour with baking powder, add vanilla, cinnamon, mix well.
Protein beaten with sugar residues in a solid foam, and gently put into the dough.
lay out the dough into the shape of 26 cm (I have the most Bolshany shape of 23 cm, but it was enough), 3 apples cut into thin slices and round stick into the dough.
Bake at 190 C 50 min, if the top will bake - cover foil. Warm Pie smear honey or jam.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Remove Mildew Spores, Canvas

Nests of minced meat and tomato

tested this one retseptik, which emerged as something in my picture of friends and entered into memory. Because I myself meat I do not eat (but happy to cook from it), then the judge herself can not taste, but both husband and mother were delighted with the outcome. Said: "just fingers Yum.
"Nest" is produced tender and juicy.
copy the recipe completely, but add their own notes and comments.

Nests of minced meat and tomatoes

500 grams of minced meat of any (took a turkey)
1 egg 1 onion

2 slices of white bread without crust (I had one white bun)
200 grams of cheese (took cheddar because it spicy, sharp little cheese)

4 tomatoes salt, pepper, paprika
ground, basil (dried), oregano (dried) greens.
50 oil

Pour warm water bread, then squeeze. Finely chop onion.
Knead in the bowl of minced meat, egg, bread, onions (turkey breast, onion, bread and on my own garlic mixed in a blender) .
Season with dried herbs and paprika. Grate cheese and mix half with minced meat. All salt and pepper.
Divide beef into 8 patties, put them on oiled baking sheet (preferably in the form). In the center of each pellet make a small indentation and put it in chopped tomatoes.

Put for 10 minutes in a well-heated oven (200C). Then get it, sprinkle remaining cheese on top. 1 tomato cut into slices and cover each "nest" of the meat slice. Put in the oven for another 10 minutes.

done in the first time, so I decided to completely follow the recipe.
sure I'll do again and again, because members of the household liked it, but next time, instead of to sprinkle cheese on top (which unfortunately most of the leaked), mixed tomato, which nachinyayutsya "nest" with feta, which will give its piquancy and will be spread inside the stuffing.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why White Lines On A Cell Phone Screen

Talent ...

I can not share ... Husband, someone familiar threw on meil video from YouTube. This Ukrainian contest "Ukraine is looking for talent," in which a young girl Kseniya Simonova in my opinion just works wonders: it "draws" with sand.
Describe the look and feel is impossible, a must watch!
Many in the studio as much tears as obtained with feeling, soul, emotions, deal with domestic ... Such
unique talents to raise my admiration!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Why Men Grow Their Pinky Nail

Cottage cheese casserole

If the last time my curd casserole failed, bringing nothing but trouble spoiling the mood a little and destroying my plans Surprise ( here I wrote about it ), then this time turned out in my mind just perfect!
Although recipes such a great variety of casseroles, but fell in love with this one. Everything is done quickly, easily, and the result - a complete delicious!


0.5 kg. curd
2-3 eggs
100-150 grams of sugar (depending on how sweet love)
2.5-3 tablespoons semolina
2 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt

vanilla sugar to taste, or vanilla essence
almond essence (you can without it)
berries, fruit or dried fruit to your taste

0.5 kg. curd was ground through screen (so Casserole becomes softer, you can skip through the meat grinder, but I do not have entogo modern units, so we're on the old peasant, through a strainer spoon cafeteria we press-triturated).
take 3 small eggs (or 2 large), are divided into whites and yolks. In the yolks add 100-150 grams of sugar fork whisk a little bit (who likes more sweet, add more sugar).
to proteins schepotochku add salt and beat with an electric mixer to a thick foam.
put in cottage cheese little vanilki (vanilla sugar or essence), I sometimes add almond essence, 2.5 - 3 tbsp. l. semolina (can substitute for flour, but with a decoy tastier), 2 tsp. baking powder. To this add the weight of the yolks mixed with sugar, all good mark.
At the end add neatly, do not hurry-whipped whites, stirring.
Cover the cooked form of baking paper (not otherwise otderesh then our zapekanochku). We spread a layer of cheese (about 75% of the the whole mass of curd). Then washed and dried fruits or berries (very tasty with currant, strawberry + blueberry, cherry, can be dried fruit (apricots, raisins) but with a tart fruit, berries taste better) and again a layer of cheese mass.
Then this zapekanochku in the oven to 180 degrees ...... I baked somewhere in 40 minutes, but here Focus on your oven. If you put
vanilku, keep your household away from the oven, because the smell is soooo killer-attractive vkusnyuchy ....
Once the top zapekanochki become ruddy, pull! our creation is ready!
only need it to cool. You can eat with sour cream, you can and without ..... mnyam-mnyam!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Car Games In Poptropica

Flowers, flowers, flowers ...

Kakaya wonderful is the weather has stood out this weekend! Incredible 2 days of Indian summer gave Berlin sunny, warm weather, pleased blue sky and lift your mood.
sit at home was impossible, so we decided to spend a day in the fresh air, surrounded by greenery and beauty Nature, went to have referred to me before the park - Britzer Garten .
At this time there is also an exhibition of flowers, namely, Dahlia. I had no idea that their is a great multitude, and all so different and unique! The exhibition is the fourth time and is very popular, many people want to enjoy in floral splendor, consisting of 10.000 around 300 varieties of dahlias.
me they captivate their dignity, even regal splendor, they proudly reveal all its beauty and not shy admiration, taking delight in his address a little bit down.
Only now sorry that these beauties do not smell ... probably and is dominated by the pride with a little arrogance, but looking at them, friend and say with delight, and forgive them this little thing ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Many Days Until Bleeding

Pumpkin muffins with cinnamon

is the weather outside is not happy: in the morning pouring rain, cold, cloudy, damp, well, just deep autumn. In those days you want to get on the sofa, to hide rug, take an interesting book to read, read, read, sipping fragrant tea ... But just because drink tea is not interesting, right?? Therefore, I decided to cook vprikusku to tea-button lint, besides discovering Fall pumpkin season.
Today, the tea I have ...

Pumpkin muffins with cinnamon


- brushed fresh pumpkin - 200 g -250
- flour - 150
- baking powder - 1.5 tsp
- a pinch of salt
- cinnamon powder - 1-1.5 tsp
- ff. butter - 60g
- sugar - 90g (added a little vanilla sugar)
- 2 eggs
- milk - 50 ml


cut pumpkin and cook in the microwave until soft. The finished pumpkin mash with a fork.
whisk melted butter and sugar, add one eggs, beaten. Add pumpkin and milk, beat up. Pour the flour sifted with salt, baking powder and cinnamon and mix gently paddle up to the disappearance of lumps.
Pour in cups and bake in a preheated 180C oven for 25-30 minutes.
In this recipe, not a blender! if strongly Beat - muffins can not get up!

Friday, September 10, 2010

What Kind Of Hair Does Keri Hilson Use

barrrakuda @ 2010-09-10T14: 16:00

getting old ... started to notice that technology is becoming smarter than me ((

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Free Practice Cogat Test Online

Plum Tart from the newspaper "New York Times"

Season drain is in full swing, so I decided to bake a cake lint to these, in my view, ideal for baking fruit. When looking through
recipes on the Internet, guided by the following basic principles: that the pie was getting ready quickly, was not time-consuming and not very heavy for eating (Like it legenky pie, not something between a pie and have a cake).
Most of all I liked the simplicity of its recipe plum cake from the newspaper "New York Times" , which I found on your cooking. Here is the recipe itself, and its still quite an interesting backstory, which explains the unusual name.
Get Well oooochen delicious!

At the request of the readers of the newspaper "New York Times" almost every year between 1983 and 1995, this recipe is published in this paper. While editor of the cookbook section of the newspaper decided that it was - last year, when this recipe is published in "New York Times", and readers have reported that if they just want to have this recipe, let them cut out of his newspaper, laminated and hung on the door of his refrigerator.


3 / 4 cup (U.S. cup ~ 236 g) sugar, plus a separate 1 - 2 tablespoons sugar (for sprinkling)
8 stol.lozhek (1 bar = 113 g) butter or margarine 1 cup

sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs

pinch of salt 24 plum halves, "Hungary's" (Italian Plums)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


Preheat oven to 175 C. Oven 40-50 minutes (but we should look individually at the oven. Oven to "dry matches").

Mixer Beat butter with 3 / 4 cup sugar, add eggs, salt, baking powder, whisk until smooth. Spoon to introduce the flour, stir. The resulting lay out the dough with a spoon into a greased and sprinkled with flour split form (22 cm), smooth surface. On top of the dough to lay out the plum peel down. Plum dent in the dough is not necessary. The dough itself rises in the baking.
Mix cinnamon with remaining 2 tablespoons sugar and sprinkle top of cake.

Prepared entirely by prescription only added 1 ch.lozhku cinnamon and vanilla sugar in the dough.
