Monday, February 28, 2011

What Does It Mean When A Ring Worm Turns White

A dream in which everything becomes awkward

Dream big schoolyard playground, running around on her children 13-14 years old, playing in something, probably in football. With their teacher. But this is the edge of consciousness. I (the hero of sleep) I go to this territory, I too about 14 years, I'm from another school and will study in this. For some reason (introductory) know that I have the coolest school and very talented preochen. Now I must go to the teacher and show him preotlichnym way some steep theorem. Teachers about any schelyastye board shot down in the form of the gate. I take at the gate, clinging with one foot over the crossbar and hang upside down - one leg clings to the top board, the other turned in his knee, hanging upside down and in this position by hand to Church by air and surface schepastoy proof of the coolest of the theorem itself. The trouble is that my head is not the slightest track geometry, the mind is twofold - I'm not really aware that this is a dream, but I feel its utter unsuitability for the role of a wiseacre and geometry, and at the same time on my role responsibility - I understand that "the plot of" should I draw a blueprint and show a steep theory is very simple elegant way. This absurd situation where the head just embarrassed by this very strange role - why in such an awkward position? Why in the schoolyard? What's that playing soccer kids and their teacher before my "Geometry", which in my head there is no - awkwardness makes me faster, "squander" a dream, the next screen - I still hanging upside down on schepastyh boards scratched something like a crossed parabola, met the guys before playing soccer, watching, looking and teacher. Type them admiringly, confused. That is, they are very uncomfortable - the whole situation is completely wild, with which they interrupted the game, why should they watch with admiration on rough and indistinct figure it all that ... But such is the scenario role, they also - the characters sleep, they must play admiration as a teacher, he just frowns from internal discomfort, and carefully pushing the lips in delight interjection, which is obliged to say - actually, the whole dream explicitly rotated stuck in a rut plot to make my ear uttered this last sentence, in fact, absurd dream, I pasted it just is not your own hands, he is to unravel and he lacked the strength to dream, but this phrase heard very clearly, I am told - through the story - my nickname, which I am now going to be called: "a descendant of nesudby.

So look after this dream. Everything has its own, and the director of I'm not very. Sleep absurd, awkward.

White Line On First Response Pregnancy Test

Nezyabkie dinosaurs
Chukotka found dinosaur remains from the Late Cretaceous. Most rasposlednie, consider, dinosaurs. They're bred - found shell fragments. Several species hadrosaurs and yet every bastard. Community, not one of some kind. The annual average temperature then was deemed to 10oC. Very temperate climate. Speaking very roughly (in paleoclimatology gently does not work) - this is now in Austria or in Chechnya. Well, a little warmer, than in Austria. And just like in Grozny. Not that th, but not the subtropics. Such a climate - too harsh, they say, for amphibians and reptiles. If a reptile without heating.
Godefroit, P., Golovneva, L., Shchepetov, S., Garcia, G., and Alekseev, P., 2009, The last polar dinosaurs: high diversity of latest Cretaceous arctic dinosaurs in Russia: Naturwissenschaften, v. 96, p. 495-501.


Hypsilophodon foxii

Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis


Byronosaurus jaffei

Dromaeosaurus albertensis

Saurornitholestes langstoni

In Moscow the average 5-7 ° C.
do not understand. Amphibians do not survive here? Reptiles? That snakes can not be?

Well, the authors note that there are different heat-loving lizards and crocodiles - are absent. So that the fauna is indeed nezyabkaya, able to put himself and snow.

authors in the article saying: that once the dinosaurs endured such harsh conditions - is unlikely they crushed the cold of winter, as dictated by the theory of impact.

In Chukotka, then there were thickets of Ginkgo Encephalartopsis Nilssonia, well, any more gymnosperms. Already flowering were. Rosaceae Lauraceae Betulaceae Celastraceae Platanaceae Cercidiphyllaceae Fagaceae

hazel and sycamore were. In general, normal are almost presentable forest.
In colder months the temperature was 0-6 °.

Therefore, it can be hypothesized that latest Cretaceous dinosaurs were able to with stand climatic conditions that were too harsh for typical ectothermic reptiles

Why not say that they can hibernate as they are now frogs and snakes?

That is, Leaellynosaurus amicagraphica. Lived in southern Australia when she was about to place in Antarctica. And like wintered, huddling together as they are now snakes in forests of the temperate zone. Sklublivalis together a bunch and wintered themselves.

may be, of course, the authors of this and have in mind. That, say, such sophistication - this is a very severe for the poor reptiles. But I guess the article about it did not see anything.

Joint Pain When Smoking

about home education the link from [info] loki_0
This article is the author [info] olgapisaryk in the 11 th issue of "home child."
(with abbreviations, the link - full). There are a lot of numbers and statistics, and also refers to many popular objections - about socializing, etc. I would also note - supporters say the school standards - if not the overall program will still be different to learn, and we can not understand what everyone knows. Here you can look at the argument

Home Education in the U.S. and Canada: from extreme to mainstream
In 2007, newspaper San Francisco Chronicle (1) published an article under the headline "They did it again!". The article was written by the deputy director of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University Richard Souza (Richard Sousa).
«Well, they did it again! In May, a 13-year-old Evan O'Dorni, won national competitions in spelling (National Spelling Bee - one of the most prestigious competitions in the U.S., the annual finals held in Washington and broadcast on national television - OP). Evan learns at home, and he is not alone. Of those who got to the finals in Washington, 12.5% - houmskulery, in the final seven of these were three. Last year, 13.5% of children have passed the final enrollment of the house.

Champions National competitions in geography (National Geographic Bee) in 2003 and 2005 were houmskulery. In 2005, the 16-year-old won the championship houmskuler Chess USA, becoming the youngest champion since Bobby Fischer, who in 1958 won the title at age 14. But houmskulery constitute only about 3% of all American children. "

In recent years, and in Russia, home schooling children is becoming increasingly popular. So according to official statistics, in 2007 outside of educational institutions in Russia, 100 thousand children were enrolled: 19,5 thousand children - on external studies, 3.9 thousand children - in the form of family education and 79,2 thousand children received individual training at home (home-based training). Still houmskuling in Russia is still considered exotic, the lot of geniuses or kids who can not attend school for health reasons. Not surprisingly, that there is still no scientific study on houmskuleram Russia.

... In 2001, the Fraser Institute (Fraser Institute), Vancouver, Canada, published the results of research titled "Home Education: from extreme to mainstream» (Home Schooling: From Extreme to the Mainstream). (2) was presented analysis of more than 100 scientific papers, on houmskulingu and houmskuleram and attempted to answer the following questions:

- What is home schooling?
- How does the government regulate home schooling?
- What is the history of home schooling in North America?
- How many children are enrolled in such a way?
- Socio-demographic characteristics families who teach children at home
- academic achievements of pupils home
- The socialization of children
- Guidance for those involved in educational policy

This study was one of the most downloaded from the website of the Institute. In 2007, the team of authors prepared the 2-nd edition, taking into account more recent publications. Thus, to date, the study "Home Education: from extreme to mainstream," is the most comprehensive review of statistical data Home-education in the U.S. and Canada, covers publications released in the period 1986 - 2007 period.

For centuries, elementary education children receive at home. In the United States until the 1870's home schooling (by parents or with tutors) are the main form of education. The list of famous American houmskulerov the time U.S. President George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as well as such figures as Thomas A. Edison, writer Mark Twain, a businessman, Andrew Carnegie and many others.

At the end of XIX century in the United States began to appear in the school of their present form - a specially-adapted for children's education building with professionally trained teachers. Some parents continued to teach their children at home, but before 1960. practice of home schooling is very rare.

Over the past 25 years, and U.S. and Canada have very strong growth in the number of families deciding to teach their children at home.
example, in Canada, in 1979 the house has about 2000 children (excluding Quebec, for which data are available). (3) In 1996, the provincial Ministry of Education announced on 17 553 children studying at home, or 0,4% of the total number of registered students. This growth in 776% for 18 years.

In the United States in 1985, houses 50 000 children studied. In 1992, these students were already 300 000 in 1999 - 850 000. According to the National Center for Education Statistics United States (National Center of Education Statistics) in 2003 in the U.S. on home schooling were 1.1 million children, representing 2.5% of all students. (4), (5) For the 8 years since 1999, this figure rose to 74%, and all specialists agree that the growth trend will continue.

Motivating parents
So what drives the U.S. and Canadian parents to educate their children at home? Several important surveys of home-training includes questions for parents about the reasons for transferring their children at home training. Their responses can be summarized as follows:

- Ability to instill a child his own system of values;
- Best academic performance;
- Ability build closer and stronger relations between parents and children;
- a desire to give the child an opportunity to communicate with people of different ages and a deeper level;
- Ability to avoid a negative influence (drugs, alcohol, early sex) with controlled positive contacts with peers;
- More gentle treatment, which can provide training.

The latest polls also are increasing security problem of finding children in public schools. (6)

in distributing home schooling plays a significant role the availability of new technologies and the Internet. "Cheap computers software, the availability of the Internet and the increasing number of educational materials available online, inspiring an increasing number of Parents leave their children at home instead of sending them to school. "(3)

Socio-demographic characteristics of families, educate their children home

Over the past 25 years, the social structure of families in home schooling has grown considerably.
If previously it was mostly a hippie and leftist, or a Christian middle-class family, now among the parents, teaching their children at home are people of different religious beliefs and social layers. Still, parents, teaching their children at home are not a mirror of society.

Typically, they have the best education. 75% of American parents to teach their children at home, have completed education above the average (in the whole country the figure is 56%). (4), (7)

Most families - complete. In 2003, a survey of the National Center for Educational Statistics U.S. (National Center of Education Statistics), devoted to home education showed that 81% of the 'home' children live in families with two parents (4), (compare with 66% nationally). (5)

in Canada in January 2003, conducted a survey of 1,648 households, and home learning. 96.4% houmskul families were full of families. (8)

2001 study showed no dramatic differences in income between families and houmskulerov nehoumskulerov. 64% of households in each group have income of $ 50,000 per year or less. (9)

In the U.S., 48% of children in home schooling are brought up in families where both parents work (including "school" of children, the figure is 81%). (9) In Canada, third of mothers have an extra income, and a third of that third of the works of more than 15 hours per week. (8)

And in both Canada and the U.S., the number of family members higher than average. In 62% of the families who have home training - three or more children (among families whose children go to school, the figure is 44% and 56% of American households have only one or two children). (8), (4), (5)

academic success houmskulerov

Researchers difficult to generalize data on academic progress houmskulerov because it is very difficult to reach with a single standardized test, a relevant group of children receiving home schooling. Families can choose which test was produced when was produced and was produced there at all. It may be noted that study after study shows that home school children outperform their peers on test results.

One of the most serious research on academic achievement houmskulerov was conducted in 1998 by a leading expert on statistics and measurements of the University of Maryland, Lawrence Rudner (Dr.Lawrence Rudner). (10) Study measure the results test of basic skills to Iowa (Iova Test of Basic Scills) 20760 houmskulerov from all 50 U.S. states. Rudner found that the "median test results for houmskulerov strongly outperform their peers from public and private (!) schools. »

houmskulerov Mean scores in reading were between 82m and 92m percentile, and math - Reached 85go percentile. In general, test results have houmskulerov were between 75m and 85m percentiles. The result of pupils in public schools was - 50 percentile and the students of private schools - from 65ti 75ti percentile up. In concluding his study Rudner noted that "those parents who chose to educate their children at home able to provide them with a very successful academic environment. "

Clive Belfield (Clive Belfield) and Henry Levin (Henry Levin), in a recent study challenged such a large houmskulerov advantage over students in private schools, but also confirm the significant differences in academic uspehaha between houmskulerami and students public schools. (11)

Interestingly, the test results are not affected by the presence of someone from the parents of a diploma teacher. But there is difference in the results between children of parents with higher education and the children of parents with no education above the average. The difference is insignificant, especially when compared with the data in public schools.

Do mothers higher education diploma or she graduated from high school, the results of tests that must be submitted houmskulerami, fluctuate between 80m and 90m percentiles. In public schools, test scores of pupils whose parents have a diploma of higher education reached the 63rd percentile and the students whose parents did not finish school, have reached only 28th percentile.

Thus children in home schooling parents who have not completed school, reached the 55 percentiles higher in math and 49 percentiles higher in reading than their peers in public schools come from families with similar educational levels. (12)

Nearly a quarter (24.5 percent) covered by the studies of children demonstrate knowledge of the program for one or more class than his age. In elementary school, (1 - 4 class) ahead of the curve is an average of one year to the eighth grade this difference amounts to four years. (12)

Empirical data clearly demonstrate that home schooling can negate the potential negative factors that strongly influence the study in public schools. Low family income lack of higher education of parents, lack of parent teacher diploma, racial or ethnic characteristics of pupils, lack of computer house, a rare visit to the library, a relatively late start of formal education, a relatively short time allotted for formal training, children with a large (small) number of siblings - all of it almost does not affect the academic success of children home, unlike their peers from public schools. (12)

Data for Canada is less, but those that have something in common with the data on the U.S.. In 1993, Brian Ray (Dr.Brian D. Ray) to conduct nationwide study of home education in Canada. The average household pupils achieved 80go percentile in reading, writing, and in 76go 79go in mathematics. Average percentile for the students of public and private schools was - 50. (13) Study on the 2003rd year found that students who study at home "show results higher than the norm." (8)

Research in the U.S., Canada and England give approximately equal numbers, indicating a trend in general, regardless of country of study. For example, a three year study by researchers University of Durham in England (Univercity of Durham, England) found that children who study at home well ahead of his high school peers in math and reading. (14)

Excellent Preparation of 'home' children were not passed by the attention admissions of American universities. If in 2000 only 52% of American high schools have a formal procedure for the evaluation of knowledge houmskulerov, but in 2004 these schools were already 83%. In the absence of school diplomas colleges offer applicants to take standardized tests, taking letters of recommendation and a portfolio of work. (15)

69% of domestic students planning to pursue higher education. They are glad the best universities USA. According to John Raider (Jon Reider), a member of the admissions committee at Stanford University, "in addition to excellent knowledge houmskulery have a number of qualities that are rarely encountered in graduate school, it's motivation, curiosity and ability to take responsibility for their own learning. »


Perhaps one the most common stereotypes about children who are studying at home, this is what they are reclusive, sitting at home, communicate only with members of his family and not being able to build social connections. All this - erroneous stereotypes.

study in 2002 showed that the average houmskuler regularly involved no less than eight sessions outside the home, including sports clubs, art studios, music schools, scout meetings, regular meetings with friends, work, volunteer activities, church attendance, excursions and participation in cooperative programs for domestic students. (8)

Such activity partially explains the fact that "home" children are much less likely than their school peers are watching TV. In the U.S., no more than an hour a day watching television: 65% of children in home schooling, and 25% of children in the whole country. Among the students of 4 classes in public schools 40% are watching TV more than 3 hours a day. Among the "home" children this figure is only 1.6%. (10)

In 1992, Professor Larry Shayers (Larry Shyers) tried to determine whether children are suffering at the home schooling of the backlog in social development. He watched the children in free play and group lessons. Shayers found that children who had studied in school, had more problems with behavior, than their domestic counterparts. Perhaps because children in domestic behaviors are the responsible adults rather than peers. (16)

According to the study 1,648 households practicing home schooling, the former houmskulerov level of satisfaction with quality of life much higher than their school peers. (8)

American Research confirms the findings of Canadian researchers. Researcher in the field of education policy by J. Gary Knowles (J. Gary Knowles), said: "I have not met evidence that these adults even in something behind ... Two-thirds of them are married, which is normal for their age, none of them unemployed or sitting on manual. "(17) Another scholar argues that domestic students are more mature and better socialized than graduates of public or private schools. (18)

There is evidence that children on home schooling more friendly and more independent of the opinions of their peers. Raymond Moore's research suggests that houmskulery happier, better prepared for life and a lot more confident in comparison with their peers-students. (19)

Professor John Taylor (Prof. John Taylor) (20) notes, that at home kids a higher level of confidence, Professor Mona Delahuk (Prof. Mona Delahooke, 1986) (21) states that "home" Children are much rarer behavior problems; "home" children are better socialized, more independent-minded and friendly, less fall under the influence of peers.

High socialization of children's home partly explained by the fact that in every Canadian province and in every U.S. state there is at least one houmskul Association. And 85% houmskulerov or belongs to any organization or planning to join in the near future. (22) "Association houmskulerov offer home children the opportunity to interact with other houmskulerami either online or in a jointly organized by the school or on excursions, or in informal meetings. Many associations jointly leased premises under the occupation, have the library, organize sports teams and competitions for children. (23) Most associations distribute newsletters, provide legal assistance, sponsors conferences and invited lectures, and some even spend their final night.


inconspicuous on the top of the movement for home schooling for 40 years of its existence turned into a full-fledged alternative to both public and private schools. Home schooling - is still not the norm, it is not and never will be perfect or affordable for all families. But the practice of home schooling shows that it is relatively inexpensive and very effective alternative to the public and private education. Many researchers see in this form, the prototype of much-needed school reforms. Because in spite of the ever-increasing amount public education, the results are less and less satisfied with their parents.

As noted by the researcher Isabel Lyman (Isabel Lyman): "At home form of training, with minimal interference from the state and hundredths of those sums, in which costs to any government program, grow up literate educated people. "(24)

difference in the cost of home and school education is very significant. So the average family in the home schooling spends in a year is less than $ 4000, including the costs of excursions, mugs, books and tutors (25). These costs may relate to several children in the family, but they do not consider the money that the family loses as a result of the fact that there is only one parent. Public schools in the 2003-2004 academic year, spent $ 9,644 per student. (26) This is without taking into account the regular school fundraising and collecting money from parents. If we recall that the test results home students is 85 percentile, and school children - 50 percentile, then home schooling is a model of economy and efficiency.

further deregulation home education from the state will facilitate the task of parents to their children's education at home. In the U.S., different states have different requirements for parents who want to teach their children at home. In states with a high degree of regulation of houmskulerov need to provide curricula to comply with officials approved the program, pass standardized tests in states with a moderate degree of regulation from parents usually require a written notice that they intend to teach your child at home, in states with low degree of control parents in general do not have contact with authorities education. Moreover, all studies show that the degree of state intervention in the process houmskulinga does not affect the academic success children, nor on their socialization. But in states with high levels of regulation of children in home schooling is lower and the share of education spending in the budget respectively, above.

idea of home schooling is gaining support among the population. Increase in the number houmskulerov and their successes in life have long change public opinion in favor of home schooling. If in 1985 only 17% of the population considered home education a good thing, (27) in 1997 this figure had risen to 43%. (28) In 1998, according to Newsweek magazine poll (Newsweek) found that 59% of Americans agree that children learn at home, have a level of education, at least no worse than their school rovestniki. (29)

Over the last 30-40 years of home education in the United States and Canada has established itself as a highly successful alternative schooling. About houmskulinge spoken of as a phenomenon that could serve as a prototype for future reforms in education. The close cooperation of students with teachers, high motivation, an individual approach to learning - all this is an almost unattainable ideal not only for government but for the elite private schools. And it is also a component of the normal working of home schooling.

We are well aware that houmskuling never will not be the lot of the majority. Need to develop other forms of free education: the free schools, religious schools, technical and humanitarian, cooperative and private, as well as the Institute of Handicrafts, distance learning, and any other forms of education, which will be in demand. But for now Day in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, home-schooling in the form of family education, external or individual plan is virtually the only ability relatively quickly (within a few days or months), relatively cheap (home schooling on average, cheaper training private schools) and legally free the child from a public school system. Perhaps houmskuling not the best way of obtaining education for all, but it works great for many.

Footnotes :
3. Wake, Bev «Home Schooling Gets Top Marks», Ottawa Citizen, September 7, 2000.
4. US Department of Education (USDOE). The Condition of Education 2005 (NCES 2005-094). US Department of Education, National Centre for Education Statistics.
5. US Census Bureau. «P029: Family Type by Presence and Age of Related Children.» 2003 American Community Survey Summary Tables.
6. Krumbine, Marcy. «There's No Place Like Home.» Homeschool Associates. 2004
7. US Census Bureau. Current Population Survey, 2006 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (March).
8. Van Pelt, Deani. Home Education in Canada. London, ON: Canadian Centre for Home Education, 2003.
9. Bielick, S., Chandler, and S.P. Broughman. Homeschooling in the United States: 1999 (NCES 2001-033). Washington, DC: US Department of Education, National centre for Education Statistics, 2001.
10. Rudner, Lawrence M. «Scholastic Achievement and Demografic Characteristics of Home School Students in 1998.» Educational Policy analises Archieves 7 (8) (March 23, 1999)
11. Belfield, Clive R. and Henry M. LevinPrivatizing Education Choice: Consequences for Parents, Schools and Public Policy. Boulder CO: Paradigm Publishers, 2005.
12. Ray, Brian D. Strengthens of Their own – Home Schoolers Across America: Academic Achievement, Family Characteristics, and Longitudinal Traits. Salem, OR: National Home Education Research Institute, 1997.
13. Ray Brian D. A Nationwide Study of Home Education in Canada: Family, Characteristics, Student Achievement and Other Topics. Salem, OR: National Home Education Research Institute, 1994.
14. Livni, Ephratt. «Keeping the Faith.» ABC News (August 23, 2000.
15. Chandler, Michael Alison. «Giving Proper Credit to Home-Schooled.» Washington Post (June 11, 2007), p. B01.
16. Shyers, Larry. Comparison of Social Adjustment Between Home and Traditionally schooled Students. PhD dissertation. University of Florida, 1992.
17. Knowles, J.Gary. Now We Are Adults: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Status of Adults Who Were Home-educated as Children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, April 3-7, 1991.
18. Smedley, Thomas C. Socialization of Home Schooled Children: A Communication Approach. Unpublished Master of Science thesis. Radford, VA: Radford University, 1992.
19. Moore R. «Research on Sociability.» The Parent Educator and Family Report 4:1. 1986.
20. Taylor, John. Self-Concept in Homeschooling Children/ Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International. 1986.
21. Delahooke, Mona. Home Educated Children's Social
24. Lyman, Isabel. Home Schooling: Back to the Future? Cato Institute Policy Analisis no.2 94 (January 7, 1998).
25. Homefires. Reader's Survey: What It Cost to Homeschool? 2006.
26. US Department of Education (USDOE). Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School year 2002-2003 (NCES 2005 – 353). US Department of Education, National centre for Education Statistics, 2005.
27. Gallup, Alec M., and Stanley M. Elam. "The 20th Annual Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools." Phi Delta Kappan 70, 1 (1988): 33-46.
28. Rose, Lowell C.; Alec M. Gallup; and Stanley M. Elam. "The 29th Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools. "Phi Delta Kappan 79, 1 (September 1997): 41-56.
29. Kantrowitz, Barbara and Pat Wingert.« Home Schooling - Learning at Home: Does It Pass The Test? »Newsweek. Cover Story (October 5, 1998).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Female Latino Scientists

Ninth Century: tying knots

Charlemagne and destruction, baptism of the Saxons. Europe is given a sample: what to do with the people that have are not a Christian, but - the Europeans and neighbors. The Christianization of Europe and the end of German Arianism.
Pope Nicholas 1 and the idea of a hierarchy in the church. Clearly stated that order - the army, the hierarchy of bishops headed by "stay should only be one." Is the idea of splitting the church. John Scotus Erigena: one of the last attempts philosophize in Europe, based on the internal momenta of thought. Tried to defend the freedom of thinking in a dispute with dogmatism. Not understood by virtually anyone. The Future of repetition. Unpacked boetsievy canned appear Episcopal School. The Future of thought - under the authority of dogma, free thinking tepery doomed to antihristianstvo.
Poyavlenie text Psevdoareopagita Dionysus. In IX Veche ABBA Hilduin around Saint-Denis privez through Byzantium rukopisi «Areopagitik» and John Scotus Erigena translated them into Latin. Christian thought placed between the poles: Augustine and Areopagitiki.

Ireland has retained its own tradition of Celtic Christianity, and the flow copied the Gospels and the missionaries sent out in central and eastern Europe.
Once I'm in the fence forest;
for foliage whistling thrush;
over my notebook
noise and hubbub of the branches of nests.
And the cuckoo in the bush
sings the whole forest;
God, what a grace
here writing in the shadow of heaven!
(Irish monk in the VIII.)

With white Pangurom my together in the cell, we sit
not tiresome two of us:
everyone is busy with his own.
I am diligent reading,
bookish teaching;
Pangur otherwise Kazan:
he attracted mice.
knows he screwed up his eyes,
under the wall of a mouse hole;
my eye sees deep into the line:
abyss knowledge deeply.
merry it when jumping mouse
overtake in a corner;
gay, I like to network their
essence of wisdom caught.
Cote used to - and I'm
feuding enemies books;
every one of us his own way:
it - willingly, I - by letter.
(on the margins of the Greek declension found an Irish poem dedicated to a cat named Pangur. Monks in Ireland at this time to study Greek theology, as well as Latin and Hebrew.).
Irish Christianity were thwarted attacks by Vikings a couple of centuries.

Formed French Empire and the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, began the Reconquista. The beginning of feudal Europe. The Vikings begin raids on the north-western Europe, continued movement of the German people. From the prairies to the east come next nomads - Hungary. But the whirlwind of peoples gradually calms down, people settle down and there is politics.

time out of the bottle. Only that it was all shaky, all the old forms collapsed, the new could not be fixed, solid Spin vague and meaningless names and tribes. But now things are concatenated together in these first moments determined - what will be history for many centuries to come. When the time comes in the bottleneck, the differences are erased - that by the same standards was important and very different, is in the same price and equally fruitless. Lose heart - that is done, the end of one, all mixed together, loses its value. The output of the visibility still exists, but in fact - on the contrary: the fact that for nearly indistinguishable and it seems in the same price - and then play, and how. Misunderstood to be revoked hundreds of years and have to pay millions of lives, to make way for the road, which previously could get just a couple of extra hours of thought. And if you break will not - then have to pay billions. Lives, not dollars, of course.

Give Blood For Money In Florida

jannafr @ 2011-02-27T17: 21:00

Inspired by yesterday's beautiful weather (in the street it was sunny, warm and smelled of spring!) And saw the morning sun outside the window, whose rays steal into room and gently lure out into the street, we decided to go take a walk in the park.
Unfortunately, it turned out that it's cold piercing wind, which was just ice on the open expanse of the park. But we still walked along the river froze, as Tsutsiki (dressed is easy, because yesterday already sweating because it was so spring-like warmth), froze his ears, noses and hands ...
swallowing fresh air and they are not nearly choked, ran home warm intoxicating drinks, ie, tea. But this time the sky is clouded over with gray clouds, it became quite cold, and yet day started so well!

on River still drifting ice floes, recalling the very recent frosts

Make Chocolate Cigarellos

Cell analyst

very interesting to learn the fate of becoming the teachings of the cell. Of Hooke and Malpighi through the Schwann and Virchow Shleydena to, Py and Koltsov. The fact that it is - one of the cycles, and therefore allows us to look into the future. Cartesian (say so) development program Science required analyticity and the transition to indivisible units of interactions which "differentiation and integration" are extracted descriptions (already analytic) makroproyavleny, "ordinary phenomena. Now it is delaetsya in connection with the boom in molecular genetics. But biology has experienced several such cycles analytical expectations. The most clear and well described - is cytological description of the program, an attempt to describe the "whole" through interaction elementary units - cells - that make up all living things. You can see how productively in this direction and how miserable, as it gives excellent fruit where there is no waiting, and not conducive to solving problems for which it of effort. On the other hand, these cycles - a step in the description of unity. Say, the cell theory has not led to such indivisible, with which you can explain everything, but the solder resin plants and animals in unity. Prior to the establishment of cell theory there were two very different kingdoms of nature, their relationship could only speculate. The cell theory has raised the price of the notion of "live" and lowered - plant, animal, making their family genealogy. That is, before the "live" can be thought of as a unity, but the credibility of the idea falls but to the analyst - is growing. Cell theory allows us to not "think" live and know the unity of the living. According to one mathematician (Claire), is the truth, which realize and who proclaim there is - that prove. In this sense, the role of genetics - the inclusion of bacteria and viruses in the unity of life. However, whenever necessary changing the meaning invested in the notion of "live".

Simplistically speaking, the 18 th century - as indivisible in the analytical program was considered authorities, see Oken, with its assimilation of entire taxa - a single body. 19 th century - Analyst cells
20 century - Analyst genes

can distinguish between similar shapes with the same discoveries - At every level, the same type of generalization, the same modes of reasoning and hope. And the same "quirk" when the program struggled out of the hands and began to yield is not something for what it was sent. And the same confusion - and then eating the fruit of chance.

extremely interesting to compare the work of analytical programs in various sciences - physics, chemistry (the discharge of substances, the selection of elements; schematic allocation formulas), biology and psychology. But this is a separate work. It seems for biology is extremely important that the analyst does not always comprehensive. That is - when describing the next level "of course, elementary, basic, basic, Basic units, etc. - every time the most obvious fact is the reality of non-exhaustion of these units. In the most banal sense: the transition the elements of B cells to the elements, genes, it is obvious that the cell has a lot in addition to genes. Not to mention the extracellular and nadkletochnyh formations. And at other levels the same. That is, something is declared a fundamental, though it is not divisible else. Analytical program each time hoping that somehow converge in general, and on the other make the correction.

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ivanov_petrov @ 2011-02-27T14: 04:00

- I was walking once on a flea market, where grandparents are selling junk. Look, one old man among old keys, pieces of iron, wine corks, and other debris, which he regarded as a commodity, there is one single-wide film. It surprised me, since more No photographic supplies at its counter, a newspaper I had not noticed. Went and picked up, look-it is already on display. Being intrigued, I ask, why Granddaddy sells already exposed film? Grandfather in response swears and swears that the film is clean, not a photo, and generally the most that neither is perfect. Tried to indicate old man on the video available on the word "exposed", but the veteran is in denial and continues to insist that the film is clean, that's it right now just take and take off, best film in the world do not find, all in the same spirit. When asked where he had this film, a retiree nothing coherent could not answer, obviously, and he no longer remembered. This story struck me as funny, and I bought this film.
- History, indeed, trivial. Stunned! Photographs for 27 years.
most striking thing is that the images I'm with family. Now we look like "little" older, but my wife has changed little, well, and as proof I have a great set of photos of those years.

- AAAA is Well I am! and my mom ..
I'm on the bottom of pictures in the middle. And my mom at the same pictures on the right!

- do good and throw it into the water .. may be of use to and I have;) as it turned out well sooo small town we have .. again 27 years later found all the members photo shoot:)

- Oh, how beautiful everything turned out:)
And as a small world ... Krasnodar:)))

Mom: Come on, there father wants to see you in skype. Dad: Yes, I see. And then, perhaps, there has long been there is no Ani. Aha, I see. There is also the only one. Do you know how to write this character? First E, but not normal, and mirror-reversed, so that looks the same location as E. This is actually a quantifier - "there." But if after that E put an exclamation point, it would mean "there is a only. But if after that write "Anya" and a colon, then the entire expression is read "There is only one Anna, such that ...".

Mom: And here at this exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery, devoted to Elizabeth, my friends and we learned a new word - "zveropisets. And ICQ it had not previously met, I never ... Did you know that word?
Me: Of course. Artist-animal painter.
Mom: Well, we never. What a wonderful word! And why was abandoned?
I: Vaughn Dictionary language of the XVIII century's worth, 17 volumes, out there on every page is full of beautiful words, renounced.

Moscow, forest - Voronezh / / / evening listening to the BBC, there were talking about the salvation of a fox from the unfinished high-rise towers and said, among other things, that the fox appeared in London in 30 years last century and since then, and live and survive them out of the city is quite impossible. In general the usual case, in Voronezh martens for example live in attics, etc. Moscow stray dogs on the trolleybus ride where they want. He remembered that when he taught at MSU and this was my third work, employment with students asked to put themselves on Saturday. And every Saturday, until all the people were asleep in their beds at 7:30 in the troleybusnoy we stop with one dog waiting 7 cipher, in which together we reach the observation deck, where I walked into the main building on foot, and he on his own business on the Vorobiev hills. And it does not confuse routes clearly sat in the seven! San Francisco's Telegraph Hills parrots live. Well I thought that there must be, and these images Lisov in London. Google in your hand.

CA Czeisler and JJ Gooley, 2007 Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Humans.
Overview of sleep and circadian rhythms in human aging.
rhythm of sleep-wake opredeyaetsya Two FACT. First - this is an internal biochemical circadian rhythm. It runs a special nerve center - the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, and is almost exactly 24 hours. In the suprachiasmatic nucleus is the so-called pacemaker - a structure that is able to maintain a rhythm. Suprachiasmatic kernel cyclically changes the level of "encouragement" of the brain and the rest of the body. It is controlled by natural light, getting signals about the brightness of light from the retina eyes. Above all the sensitivity of the suprachiasmatic nucleus to the blue part of the spectrum, so blue light awakens the best.
The second factor is called «Homeostatic sleep drive» - about "the homeostatic sleep drive" because nobody really knows what it is. This factor is that during days accumulated need for sleep. Something like fatigue metabolic processes. A good indicator of this need is one of the metabolites - Adenosine. When the need for sleep reaches a certain critical velchiny include other core - preoptic, which sends a "sleepy" signal reducing the activity of cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates the release of the hormone of sleep - melatonin *. Normally, melatonin begins stand for about two hours before sleep and provokes a dream. More suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates the cycle of mass change any settings in the body: the temperature body, the pressure of the immune system, hormone concentrations, etc.

Work suprachiasmatic nucleus, and in particular, the release of melatonin is directly dependent the lighting level. Every day light "reset" suprachiasmatic nucleus - metabolism synchronizes with the day-night cycle. However, this system has one weak spot. It can easily be found by looking at the ceiling. Called "bulb". All kinds of animals (starting with the simplest **) inclusion light shortly before the start of the physiological circadian rhythm sleep breaks. Violations are of two types. Type 1 - a simple phase shift of the loop for several hours, and type 2 - the shift to 12 hours with a decrease in signal amplitude pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The latter means that the biochemical parameters are almost cease to vary cyclically, that is optimal metabolism is not achieved for either sleep or to wakefulness. Type of violation depends on the intensity and duration his perception. Both types of shifts have been found in humans. For example, an ordinary room light (~ 100 lux) causes the hour and a half shift of type 1. Suprachiasmatic nucleus was terribly sensitive: even light candles cause slight shift of the circadian rhythm.

The effect of sleep deprivation:

- 24-hour sleep deprivation affects the brain approximately as 0.10% blood alcohol, and just as people tend to underestimate how much worse they think. For example, the reaction time increases three-fold.

- of interns working for 24 hours, make 36% more serious medical errors than those who shift to 16 hours.

- People returning to with a 24-hour shift chances of getting into a car accident are doubled.

- 6 hours of sleep a week is equivalent to a single 24-hour deprivation sleep. Accumulated quite a large amount of data that sleep deprivation disrupts the immune system.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Consent to talk

Можно высказать опыт разговоров. In a network, it increases enormously - accumulating thousands of interviews, so unwittingly agreed rules - when it makes sense to spend time talking, and when - no. It has no relation to the assessment of the interlocutor as a fool, or even how. Another very clever, but it makes no sense to speak. This is not related to an agreement. Sometimes you and I agree, but it makes no sense to speak.
It has no relation to amenities - some flattering, and expresses the utmost respect, but it makes no sense ...

has sense to talk, and even very important to do that when people fully understand what you say, his objections or additions to this exhibit, he could easily replicate your logic, continue. Give some nontrivial consequences in your same logic, that you overlooked. Refuting your point view or disagreeing with her, and then saying something different, expressed some quite new and unexpected ideas - no matter whether you agree with these ideas. C such a person just makes sense to speak.
makes sense to say if the person understands you well, is able to tell yourself your idea and makes a their non-trivial objections to it.
makes sense to say, if a person like you would not really understand, but objected, saying something very unexpected and interesting He obviously has his own theory, or on this occasion that you do not know, or is the land of extraordinary vision, which allows him to look at this subject original.
makes sense to talk when a man knows perfectly well and in detail all the facts on the topic of conversation, and all views expressed. Even without a one new word, he simply and clearly has a well-known material.

That's all. Typically, a different situation. People - as is evident from his opposition - did not realize that you said you objected to something of their own, only apparently associated with your words, the objection is trivial, not realizing that all trivial thoughts long passages are summarized in the books and they have already written three layers replies are not able either to understand what you said, nor make something interesting. In this case, regardless of the state debate (for example, you hit the enemy just substitute and has an excellent argument to knock stuffing out of him) should stop talking. In general, any duration explanations will not help anything. It does not matter whether the other person is smart. That's his thing, clever in the case when the adverse conditions of a long conversation also did not help. If the conversation made sense and at least five days and two hundred comments peeped out the sun - the source would be revealed quickly enough one of the above above parameters, which makes sense to continue the conversation. If any of these symptoms are not noticeable - not necessarily think that the other person is bad and stupid. Maybe he's extremely clever, and it does not hold you to understand the novelty of his words and the way he redefined the word. It does not matter. This means that you yourself have not yet hold out and speak with that person need not.
Why is the factor of mind does not have life-giving actions and smart people do not understand, etc.? Because the concept of mind - respect. That is smart - it's not "green" and "long" is not in itself, but compared to someone else. Let's say you see someone's assessment: that's what a clever man, oh, what. Will you go see - People a trivial, flat, certainly not clever. But for someone who appreciates it so - clever. Who's a clever one, another - durakovat.

The same applies to books. Worth I read - is defined in much the same.

The only exception may be the learning situation. The interviewee is not interesting, but honestly reported what he wanted to learn. Then the conversation ceases to be the talk of equal interest in each other people and if you want you can begin to teach. Or not to start.

Of course, some people with whom we can speak, do not want to talk to you. This is normal.

And, of course, talking about talking, not about gossip. Gossip so nice to chat with someone - what have the talk?

We live in a world of smart professionals. This - distressing fact is rarely taken into account. Any vahlaki, confused fish-sausage - is a social bottom, we are dealing with it and some rare. Disappointing here is this. All completely idiotic opinions that widely disseminated and cause severe nausea - are supported and distributed smart, sane professionals, often people with a scientific degree, teachers, successful managers, etc. For example: all that crazy idiocy, which refers to the criticism of historical chronology - finds support people who - if they see them in a familiar environment - otherwise how clever and erudite, and not name. This is just an example. About Synergetics, Gödel's theorem, theory strings, the concept of the intelligentsia and others speak at the same level.

That is: all the nonsense that surrounds us is not stupid. It is made "smart" people.

And then there is heavy solutions. Or bend my head and agree to listen to a deafening stupidity - on the grounds that it speaks to people as intelligent and professional in some another area. Either do not bend your head and cease to communicate, if the person - idiot. Never mind that the PhD, professional or some other regalia, it's his problems.

Or is there some more out?

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ivanov_petrov @ 2011-02-26T18: 08:00

Among the myths of Melanesia there is a story that begins: "Once the egg, the snake, centipede, an ant and a piece of manure went hunting for their heads ... "
Dixon R. Oceanic Mythology / / The Mythology of AU Races. Vol IX, 1916.

This motto inspires to write deep lyrics. I am glad to give all those in need.

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Destiny institutions

Corporation as a way of understanding the world
history of universities

Court as a way of settling the point of view
history of scientific evidence

Slavery as a way household
history bureaucracy

What else?

Friday, February 25, 2011

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principles for constructing models

Ebeling, Faystel. Chaos and cosmos. Principles of evolution. 2003
They provide criteria for modeling:

- results of measurements of elements of the model is not protivorecht each other Completeness
- within a given class of experiments, all measurement results are predictable Independence
- osnovoplagayuschie model parameters are deducible from each other mathematically and logically, deductively Categorical
- different views model can be transformed into each other one-to-one transformations (covariance) Objectivity
- change the state of the system depend of system state and exchange parameters, not the state of the environment, state of the observer, etc. Result: the environment of many observers, may give similar predictions of system changes. Severability
- each system can be decomposed into two subsystems, associated processes of exchange. Results of future measurements do not depend on how you made the division into subsystems. ????????????
do not understand why we introduce this same criterion of divisibility patterns.

have the same Ebeling 20V.% 20% 20_Xaos% 20i% 20kosmos.% 20Sinergetika% 20evoljucii.pdf / id/96749
Primary concepts of physics: system

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dispute and ceiling

Man podnatorevshy run discussions, the dispute with an opponent always tries to defend a number of compulsory from his point of the provisions based on which it is already possible in the future to force the interlocutor to take the protected thesis. In this mode of argumentation much resemblance with proofs of deductive science. Identifying won in early discussions with the axioms of basic principle and the fact that the opposing party is unprofitable allow to expand the base of argument against her in the ensuing dispute, you can try to simulate the process of discussion within the limitations of for the deductive method.
Unfortunately, such a successful "simulation" can be only when the opponent initially elects a purely passive tactics, rather than attempting to impose in response to their own opinion on the issue under discussion. If, however, he is equally versed in the intricacies of verbal combat, be sure to try to defend well and comfortable for themselves starting positions of the dispute.

If the opponents are so intelligent that he immediately saw the unacceptability "Axiom system, taken into service by an adverse Party, the dispute is essentially the problem simply will not start: provided the opposition defended the final abstracts selected an initial set of regulations can not contradict each other, which renders meaningless the subsequent pure "deductive" reasoning. The dispute between the worthy rivals of each other only happens when they do not reject the threshold strange position of being unable to calculate conclusions from it in advance and build in interaction with the opposing party system of reasoning in the hope to prove the correctness of his viewpoint. Differently "Axiomatic model of substantive discussion does not look mozhet.Budet whether, nevertheless, the above procedure is really hard to satisfy canons of deductive evidence, or there will always be out of bounds for the axiomatic method?

Shows disputing parties need to defend the thesis of repetition of principles adopted is only a prerequisite for the subsequent discussion, helping only to become better acquainted with the original positions and to make sure that the elected "axiom system" really contradict each other. If the case this and be limited to, the dispute is actually not even begin. The initial conditional agreement with the "axioms" the other side it is only necessary to then put them into question by appealing to the reality, or, implicitly, to their own interests, giving them (it does not matter - consciously or unconsciously) in general and therefore corresponding to the same reality. The very essence of the debate requires a systematic move beyond formal representations on the subject dispute (and could it be otherwise, as long as necessary to deal simultaneously with two conflicting systems of axioms!). This procedure is "too meaningful "in order to allow modeling of the means of deductive inference. The latter is suitable when the sets and, therefore, challenged only one point of view.

Bychkov, SN Deductive thinking and ancient Greek polis

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They do not agree

Therefore, there is no such school, one on which they agree. Therefore, schools should be different # t81314230

[info] zyrianin Soviet school was not brought up "dumb idiots. " A graduate of the school - troechnik was not present secondary education, but horoshist tend to have an education. Moreover, the triple trio discord: if student learning, in principle, well, and only 1-2 Subject had "no go" - most likely the objects he still knows at least three. Ie understand what they say in class, can recite chapter textbook after reading it. No need to ask for more, if the subject unloved.
Do all teens are sure to make secondary education? Apparently, no need. Do I have to anyone teenager received such an education? I think that in the XXI century it is not discussed. And here we come to main cavity, which makes the discussion a standard acceptable. That education which will meet him - not the average. Get full higher education, having a "mean" impossible. No complete picture of the world, allowing to build on it a little bit the modern world. (I do not like hack term scientific outlook, I think its scientistic - but to participate in shaping the worldview of modern science cheloeka certainly should.)

[info] ignum I wonder which set of items you would consider it sufficient for secondary education? and whether, in principle, in your opinion, secondary education with the ability to choose subjects?

If you can, then on a couple of my case studies - which is absolutely not enough?
So put 9.10 items + Ind. project. That is, it turns out that in addition to 6-way or another compulsory subject, you can select 4.3.

Here are 6 mandatory:
1. "Russian and literature" (selected level, the lowest is called the "Russian Literature»)
2. "Mathematics" (set level) separately or as part of the Mathematics and Computer Science »
3. First foreign language Language (selectable level)
4. "Sport»
5. "OBZH»
6. "Russia in the world»

Here, for example, a physicist and mathematician might choose:
1. Computers
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
4. Social Studies or geography

Thus mathematics and the first 2-3 from the list, apparently, on a profile level. Maybe the chemistry can be eliminated or replaced by biology or science. Well, with the latter the subject of possible options.
Here is an example for future physicians:
1. Biology
2. Chemistry
3. Physics
4. Social science or geography

on a profile level - the first 2 for sure, and something more to your taste. Maybe physics excluded in favor of science, then math can be studied separately from her at a high-level ...
Of course, there is less things than they are now being taught. But it's important not to forget that we are just about the last two classes, and before that in fact all subjects studied. This
- not drawn to secondary education? Not even close to pulling? Or you can discuss the details?

[info] zyrianin Secondary education - one that allows, on this basis to get higher. This does not mean that every graduate will be able to study at any university. But the program, which he learned it in principle, allows. The subtlety is that the levels of uptake may be different. But the general familiarity with the subject, at least three (I said above, what is meant by the "troika") necessary. So, whole modern world requires familiarity with all the things you mentioned. If some of them high school graduate did not know at all, "did not pass, chose other subjects - hence, the school was not high. History, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, language (mother tongue, foreign language) and literature - all the items needed. Specialization is valid only in depth study of selected subjects.

[info] fugu_fish All of the above you subjects studied up to tenth grade on a mandatory basis, familiarity with each student is guaranteed.

[info] zyrianin This program high school (former and current) can be constructed from fragments, pledged by individual school subjects, some coherent vision of the world. Physics and geography (climate), biology and organic chemistry ... Level up to 9 th grade for this is too weak, superficial.

[info] ignum That is a legacy Soviet-era school program all the great world for a quarter century has not changed, or at least change it for the educational system not significant. So for me there does not need anything. I understand you correctly?

[info] zyrianin The world has changed and will change even more. It therefore, school education should be strengthened, not weakened.

[info] ignum Alas, it is only common words. Proponents say the standard that he, as just such a purpose and aims.
while taking into account and change the reality around the pupil, and the real limitations of time and other resources.

Since step of simulation study of the whole pile of items to the actual study intelligently chosen set - is to enhance education.

[info] zyrianin say something say. Already spoken. And why this does not correspond to reality, I have already explained. Fixation and legalization of the current school does nedoobrazovaniya it does not increase. "Reasonable to choose the set of" natural history with a total humanitarian program, or a more complete program with natural holes in the social studies do not provide a sufficient basis either for further higher education or for self-education.

[info] mel_nizza Keyword - Dating. First, if you look at the already approved standards for primary school, you'll see there are not objects, and all of the same subject areas. Their study is guaranteed by the standard but the breakdown of items - it will be a different story. Defined state order for educational services. Secondly, if you look at the situation in the present tense, even if the schedule of physics, chemistry, history, etc., are familiar with them, to put it mildly, not the most efficient way. Namely: now 7 years as the teaching of these subjects is concentrically. As elegantly put g.Kondakov, we jumped off the line at concenters. This means that the material previously studied in primary and high schools, is now completely stuffed into the main (without increasing the number of hours). Naturally, the children were objectively unable to absorb the material with the same kachestvom.Potom in high school, has already passed the material was studied again, but then disgust, mingled with horror, which formed a significant number of students who were forced in grade 9 to get acquainted with the material 4-5-sections of the lesson - not the best motivation teachings and not the most productive framework for learning course at a deeper level. That is why the depressing deterioration of the quality of graduates may determined not only and not behind the school aunts of life or thinking klipovym objects of the educational process, many specific changes introduced into the practice of schools in the process of reform. And has seized another conclusion: the standards of high school should not be considered separately of the whole reform (CSE concenters, profilization, Law 83, the standards of primary and secondary school).

[info] philtrius - [info] zyrianin Opyt Vashih tezisov not podtverzhdaet. Bb Russian classical gimnazii was not himii nor biologii nor obschestvovѣdeniya, physics was held at poverhnostnom urovnѣ; tѣm not menѣe it obrazovanie and thought, and in fact was dostatochnym universitetskago for any course.

[info] zyrianin Chemistry then just beginning to converge with physics and biology. Geography course included elements of biology, history courses and Classical Languages - civics.

[info] philtrius Kurs klassicheskih languages have, vklyuchayuschiy elements obschestvovѣdѣniya - it's funny. Relatively himii and physics - does not understand: what is beginning to converge - is odin predmet? or even nѣt? (Merged physics was, incidentally, be with kosmografiey, and not unto himiey and biologiey - and was taught very superficially, unto kachestvѣ rest ot osnovnago soderzhaniya.) bolѣe more fun, of course, "tsѣlnoe predstavlenie of mirѣ" and "modern mirovozzrѣnie.

[info] zyrianin What fun? Reading the "Politics" Aristotle and the "Annals" of Tacitus, a schoolboy to master not only the language but also social studies. And at a level deeper than the modern schoolboy.
At the end of XIX - early XX centuries. the question of the atomistic nature of matter was still controversial. Not in school and in academia. In those conditions, school knowledge of physics and chemistry could not yet form a unified ideological system. A modern school should teach such a system.

[info] philtrius 1. The schoolboys have not read or "policy" or "Annalov. 2. Togdashniya estestvennyya science unto shkolѣ not pretend to mirovozzrѣncheskiya funktsii (although the Progressives tried to - unto svoih materialisticheskih vidah - unto them to impose it) - it is only reasonable podhod. What ye shall impose on you try?

[info] zyrianin 1. Read. Not entirely, but in the anthology texts partially included. Just as the head of the Roman jurists. 2. And where does materialism? One of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, Academician Bogolyubov was not a materialist. But in shaping his worldview physics is quite involved. In order for an individual world view formed Human harmoniously includes scientific and religious components of science need to know. Maybe not everyone wants to have such a worldview, not the business school to impose - but provide a basis for his school still have to.

[info] philtrius 1. I beg your reference. Kakiya it hrestomatii, prednaznachennyya to rate drevnih languages have you imѣete unto mind? 2. "Schools should" - reign over etim Zѣlinskiy still very witty izdѣvalsya. The school has nothing dѣlat for schet obrazovaniya and contrary him. Imposing chuzhdyya her mirovozzrѣncheskiya problem, you mѣshaete so much larger chѣm nynѣshnie reformers.

[info] zyrianin When I studied law and taught Latin, saw pre-revolutionary anthology. Details can not remember the years passed.
you somewhere I read that I plead for the "philosophical problem of school? I write exactly the opposite. Shkkola if they should give something, then knowledge. But without the knowledge of philosophy will curve, but some kind of worldview, anyone has.

[info] philtrius well. Relatively hrestomatiy - spishem on prescription and memory. Meanwhile vynuzhden state that tezis neubѣditelen: prepodavanie drevnih languages have not stated and could not put tsѣlyu give znaniya on obschestvovѣdѣniyu. relatively mirovozzrѣniya - if you do not say that the school it should give you associate her with the task stanovleniem mirovozzrѣniya, what do you think are needed vsѣ science, and even unto formѣ depth (which is not sootvѣtstvuet dѣystvitelnosti).

[info] zyrianin It seems to me quite obvious that the pre-revolutionary lawyers knew and Roman history and Roman law is much better their modern counterparts. A framework for this laid back in grammar school. Social science "in general", without specific knowledge of history, economics and the right, just and turns into a set of ideologies. The same applies to the natural sciences: physics, chemistry and biology are interrelated, contemporary science studies these connections, and a modern school in the state for at least an indication of the presence of these links.

[info] philtrius 1. I do not know, kak znayut modern counterparts. Mozhet have to know much better - no, Thus it is difficult. Istoriya Rome unto gimnaziyah yes, there was, and the right - the same unto kommentariyah Zѣlinskago unto rѣcham Cicero, and not bolѣe. 2. For In order to indicate to this relationship, rather treh minut. "Dѣti, physics, and himiya biologiya interrelated. Remember? Tomorrow, I ask. " In order to show her - not the entire curriculum.

[info] zyrianin Not so hard, you're right. A graduate of the modern law department did not know Roman history at all (it "Pass" for 5 years before graduating from high school and long forgotten) that virtually make no sense of the formal study of the history of the Roman state and the law. Appropriate attitude to the Roman law: "ottarabanit and quickly forget." Meanwhile, Roman law - the basis of civil law (in any case, the "continental" non-Anglo-Saxon).
School program includes a description of the atom in the chemistry course - which is not known and Mendeleev. Course of Organic Chemistry includes elements of quantum chemistry: For example, an 11-grader should know that the "one stick - two sticks" in the formula of benzene in fact represent a "benzene ring" with a common electronic cloud. That's when the teenager did not provide such a framework, but at the same time vtyuhivayut "something ideological, the result is bound to be disappointing. Or "remember that interrelated "bounce, like peas from a wall, or mindlessly memorizing ideological stereotypes, and a graduate sincerely believes that it can not know the" details " Having thus "correct common vision".

[info] philtrius 1. Modern lawyers and do not know smogut rimskago neither the right nor the Roman istorii, unless and until programmѣ unto it shall be mandatory to remain a benzene ring. Prichem unto vuzѣ budut not know, and not unto shkolѣ; ih enough to prepare unto the acquaintance unto sources rimskago law unto originalѣ, but even if it unto perevodah, school-based estestvennym naukam be subjected to the most unforgiving vivisektsii. 2. Vsѣ svѣdѣniya volume elementarnyh chastitsah not imѣyut nothing dorm unto opytom student and mogut only taught dogmatically. Now therefore that between "Fundamentals" and "mirovozzrѣncheskim" unto the pedagogical point of zrѣniya nѣt no difference.

[info] zyrianin unsubstantiated. "Do not smogut" - and that's it! If человеку нужно полноценное среднее образование, вполне сможет. Оно не всем нужно? - с этим не спорю. Но те, кому нужно, должны его получать.

[info] fugu_fish unproven just claim that they can. No one checked. Most likely would die in the process. Because the teaching load of 8 class where they teach and to benzene rings, and Tacitus, and two foreign - now about 12 hours a day - 7 lessons, and at least 4-5 hours on amateur video. When training Saturday. And the children dream of the tenth classroom and core learning, when they benzene rings are replaced by natural science. And those who on the contrary, the benzene rings love, dream, when the same with their second foreign language will be removed and Tacitus. Because while they represent your ideals of comprehensive education, they go to sleep somewhere in the morning about. Months and years. And these children a little bit, quite frankly, in a regular school, and this is not close. Because it is not secondary education, and his superuluchshenny option. Conventional nevysokomotivirovannye children with normal abilities in such schools are simply unwilling or unable to act.
All high school on the fence to align impossible.

[info] zyrianin My eldest son was just in such sverhperegruzhennoy school. Where the "elite status" maintained by the huge homework right of subject forbidding inflate rate in excess of the program, etc. Mother insisted on this school (her "friend says," that the school is very cool) - well, boy and tormented. When translated it into a regular class of the Humanities, began to study fine. The university was one of the best on the course, now a graduate student. A school on three barely pulled. Junior finished matklass to mathematics is not addicted, but he knew well. Without significant losses in other subjects.
second Foreign Language - is a serious bid to ensure that maximum ease as many other subjects. But it is easier, but not abolished: This is what I insist. Clearly, for Fizmatgiz, Moscow and humanitarian areas amounts to, suitability, humanities and natural sciences should be different. But do not know some of the current school subjects at all, even on C grade - it means to be uneducated.

[info] fugu_fish I think, you are contradicting yourself. You just insisted on the broadest basis for all learning, Tacitus, physics, chemistry, and almost ancient languages and now speak. Here's a guy that was transferred to normal Humanities class, and there it blossomed. I think it would be easier to understand you if you explain what items were missing in the humanities class, compared so, in which he studied before. And also tell us what the Humanities class, and class with lighter teaching of many subjects, differs from the proposed the idea of standards, with 10 subjects (rosiiyuvmire OBZH and take out the brackets). And anyway all you do is write in relation to any school, senior or principal? The main already have obegchat and facilitate non-core subjects like that? " Or in the main to avoid overloading should not be allowed to go into interesting? Because that 100% of normal development of the program uniformly in all subjects plus a deepening interest gives you that picture, which I wrote. It is still not reaching the highest school. Where uglublenka has a different weight and volume.

[info] zyrianin mistake of the school from which you left a son, I see in trying to make "all the objects profile. Ie there were fizmatklassy (very strong) - but in the rest of the level of mathematics was above the normal school. And the two languages. And great writing assignments for Humanitarian subjects. And necessarily required to engage in extra-curricular (my son it was Drama, Art). All this really led to overload.
A in human class last school everything was fine. All subjects, but the natural "in a lightweight form." History, literature - much wider than the overall program. What is needed, I think. Naturalists, too, will pull the program with a little reduced humanities and advanced mathematics, physics (or chemistry, biology).

In principle, I am for more early specialization, not the 10 class, with 6-7. (For language, as in the Soviet special schools, with the 1 st.) But, again, with preservation of school subjects, only the redistribution of hours.

[info] philtrius 1. I do not dolzhen prove. I do not know yuristov, pomnyaschih estestvennyya science even unto shkolnom obemѣ CCCP and znakomyh unto sources rimskago law unto originalѣ. Single copies can submit sebѣ; kak mass production - nѣt. If among you drugiya svѣdѣniya, please call familii and main stages of a career. That it shall be the only myslimym dokazatelstvom opportunities. 2. Trebovanie to vsyakiy, who poluchaet average obrazovanie, nepremѣnno znal of benzene ring with vsѣmi attendant, unrealistic and - force unto its kicking my eyes unto irrelevance - Is just silly.

[info] zyrianin If the lawyer does not remember physics to chemistry, even in school the bulk (more than sparing), the study of criminology course technology will only be a formality. We set the way it is, not only for the jurist or statesman, but also for any expert on the criminal law. And is it normal? Similarly, I think the wrong situation where a lawyer (especially civil lawyer) does not know the Roman / early Byzantine history at would be at the school level (I'm not talking about grammar school - where too). If he Numa Pompily and brothers Gracchus, and dominant of the Principate, Constantine and Justinian only sets of letters related to "something a Roman" - he and Roman law only vyzubril and immediately forgotten. I'm not saying that all are obliged to examine on a fundamental textbook Intercession: Novitsky more than sufficient. But if you, thumbing through a textbook Pokrovsky, a graduate of a legal institution does not understand what it meant - so he and Nowicki do not understand.
Humanitarian knowledge must be intact, otherwise it is not knowledge, but a collection of information. As it is impossible to know "only the optics" or "only the thermodynamics, and the need to examine the general physics, classical and quantum, and only then in some specialize - in much the same understanding of the humanities must the fundamentals of law, economics and history. But this understanding is not achieved without a good literature course. Everything is connected.

[info] philtrius Ponimanie fundamentalnyh osnov istorii - are you about chem? If a kritikѣ istochnikov not mind it shkolnago dѣlo. If the "essence ponimanii istoricheskago process," I do not understand her and not vidѣl chelovѣka that would ponimal (sharlatanov ot Marxism unto razschet not berem). Cb economies - for nashih rossiyskih realiy y nas nѣt adekvatnago opisaniya about ponimanii not talking, and generally the right way - ot podrobnago opisaniya unto etim samym osnovam. Ponimanie fundamentalnyh osnov right - it predlozhenie introduce another odin predmet, ih slishkom little? Then enter linguistics, psihologiyu, filosofiyu, onѣ need not less, kak connector You can collect thirty predmetov - an hour unto nedѣlyu.

[info] zyrianin I do what I'm talking about school social studies courses (including the basics of law and economics) and history. And also that a professional, whether it be a historian, economist or lawyer, should know the "adjacent specialties. Not at the level of the specialist, but at least as school teacher of history and civics. Specialist theoretical, of course, must know deeply. That this knowledge over time and the fundamentals are obtained. While it is important to understand that such a basis is that the community - a single object of study, and developing (hist).

[info] philtrius I do not know naschet rights nikakiha azova эkonomiki not sushtestvueta. Ostalynoma unto your trebovaniya horoshi but dlya obrazovaniya vedushtiha spetsialistova unto raznыha oblastyaha; BREASTFEEDING srednemu this is not no imѣet otnosheniya. Really impossible to know thoroughly, and its narrow range - unto you never learn pushkinovѣdѣniya, as if to the right unto Derzhavinym, budut probѣly unto Sumarokovѣ. Round about this smezhnyya znaniya dѣystvitelno narastayut, but it proishodit by itself, without vsyakago uchastiya school - she tut sovsѣm not at dѣlah. «Ponimaniya" something the school does not and could not be dostigaet mozhet - this "something" you can memorize and rattle off. And if the "unity" and tsѣlnost "imѣli some smysl would not be unto late sovѣtskoy shkolѣ takih nastoychivyh razgovorov of interdisciplinary integratsii.
Generally I etot razgovor vyzyvaet otchayaniya feeling - if going unto shkolѣ mozhet be incomprehensible to such a degree kak unto you, and if this pozitsiya prevalent - can not wait of course we just a decent school to vtorago prishestviya.

[info] zyrianin techie economy: what is the "enterprise" and "taxes", what do the bookkeeping and bank than trade on stock exchanges. And one more thing at the same level. In the course of history is necessary to explain than subsistence farming is different from the market, while artisanal production from the industrial.
You can submit pushkinist who does not know Russian and European history in the volume of the curriculum? I'm only on this volume say. Legalize it a drastic reduction, we find no specialists, one likes, and dropouts. If the lawyer (not the leading expert in a particular area, and the usual legal counsel) did not remember the school course of ancient history, ie entirely, completely (and the school is not known, but since so many years ago! ") therefore, he did not understand the Roman law, when it "took." And if a student does not understand him, then and now does not understand this civil right. I'm no one is required and not expect some sort of weird-depth knowledge and understanding available to very few. But then, what is taught in middle and high school at the really helpful. Ignorance and misunderstanding useful - is harmful. Want to specialize? - Please specializes. Ie Know what you need to know everything, but its domain know as she is known by few. Otherwise it is not specialization, and profanity. Know "at C grade," ie, understand what is at stake, be able to ask questions and understand the answers, people owe a lot. From a variety of areas.

occurring at school I know and makes me, if not despair, intense anger. But More outrage is striving to legitimize the current disgrace.

[info] philtrius Istoricheskiya znaniya, nuzhnyya Pushkinist, you can submit sebѣ - gdѣ something they should be much podrobnѣe school gdѣ something (eg, regarding tsivilizatsiy Dalnyago East) - ih no need at all. But many trudnѣe submit sebѣ pushkinist, chitayuschago not in French, of course, and both can leave for his samostoyatelnago izucheniya but independently run istoriyu easier chѣm yazyk; istoriyu I Incidentally, not cast, I'll just tidy up pretenzii to "ponimanie and leave sobytiyny ryad. A second new yazyk for srednyago obrazovaniya give unto obyazatelnom poryadkѣ and horoshem urovnѣ - clearing for him mѣsto, razumѣetsya, putem vivisektsii. What predpriyatie and taxes industrialnoe and handicraft sector, You can easily find and vnѣ school. Bolѣe, it is difficult not to know. Tot obem that will remain unto rezultatѣ Vashih manipulyatsiy is perceived by sam a — изъ воздуха. Драгоцѣнное школьное время на это тратить нѣтъ смысла.
Школьнаго курса античной исторiи юристъ помнить не можетъ: слишкомъ давно это было, слишкомъ superficially passed, slishkom mal obem svѣdѣniy, kotoryya poslѣ could remember it (do not forget that is 1 / 10 - unto luchshem sluchaѣ!). Znaniya withheld when unto nih there is a need - we have something "dѣlaem" be with them - or there unto them interes. Behold, yesterday I rѣshil stereometric task that hath given mnѣ gimnazicheskiy matematik - out of the number of slozhnyh for CSE. But I etim - not doing poslѣ school - was fond of at mѣrѣ then. And the fact that there was no mind or heart, razsypalos - torchat unto brain kakie some wreckage, only mѣshayut.

[info] zyrianin I did not insist on the fact that the attorney must keep in mind (at least three) WHOLE school course. Same stereometry, for example. But if he has forgotten the history of the ancient world to the time when he studied at the university, "the story of the State and Law and Roman right - hence, the time for these items, too, thrown in vain, he did not understand them. And if something he remembered from school, and the Institute on the former impose new knowledge - that the cumulative knowledge has already left. Man can not remember who the Scipio, and under what emperor ended the persecution of Christians, but "something" still remained and this "something" works. Man thinks in the same logical paradigm as its Latin predecessors. Because he is at the time deciphered the logic (when taught Roman law), and understood it (because it is perceived in its historical context, more or less familiar with the school) and not dully wonks.
With regard to the perception from the air - it's a poor teacher who does not rely on it and does not know how to use it. Often cause teachers - only issue is that students "already know". But just draw and connect with other knowledge. School is just and must train ordering, logic. Good teachers enough? - Yes, very little. But the "reformed" school, they generally will not be needed. Specialization will not save: these special schools is unlikely to be greater, and the abolition of physics and mathematics ordinary class humanitarian will not.

[info] philtrius can, unto kontsov standing last, to understand a simple thing. Very simple. Very. For normalnago srednyago gumanitarnago obrazovaniya Need unto shkolѣ two novyh language and Latin. I repeat - unto shkolѣ. I repeat once more - unto shkolѣ, and horoshem urovnѣ. Potom ih teach it shall be too late - potom should receive Higher obrazovanie and catch a lot of languages slozhnѣe, chѣm everything else; Latin own and do not catch up. What unto Vashih glazah helpful to samom dѣlѣ harmful because mѣshaet necessary. Break new ground - and unto primarily schet "mirovozzrѣniya", "tsѣlnosti", "ponimaniya and prochih fiktsiy.

[info] zyrianin Perhaps, at first still dobemsya to graduate school one (1) the language he knew? Ie could it not adapted to read the texts, was able to communicate on everyday topics, understand the lyrics, etc.? No because of this. And another thing: I am opposed to Eurocentrism, he has brought much evil and still bring. Do not know any Chinese or Indian - in our time is unacceptable. Even avid Pushkin scholars. So even without the history and geography - in any way.
In general, specialization is useful, do I deny? Let it be humanitarian classes, as an analogue of the classical school, Physics and Mathematics and the natural ("realists"). Something needs to be recovered from the preceding: the same Latin. (If the school is Orthodox, and have a course of Church, then would have been useful and Greek, though shortened against gymnasium course.) Something must be modernized, and a great deal.

But the "break new ground" as you propose - barbarism.