Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Pestryanki Zygaenidae
Adult butterflies all summer long, the caterpillar hibernates for the year of one generation.
coloring is bright, because they are poisonous. Provided hemolymph between the eyes and the proboscis, is toxic to birds.
A poisonous gemolifa - from prussic acid. Caterpillar produces a salt of hydrocyanic acid. It is the color of cyan, so here.

Incidentally, insects, entomologists had hunted in the stain with potassium cyanide. Now with ether, cyanide did not get it, but in the first half of the 20 century to the 80-ies have been an entomologist stain with cyanide. (From the professional style suicide ...). So, every insect there rag-tag dead very quickly, but just pestryanki these - no, wandered, their home of cyanide did not take, they have low sensitivity to this poison. How is it they are biochemically arranged to cyanide did not act - I do not know. True, once in my bank caterpillar ate hexachloran and the living, I'm not really surprised. Insects - they can.

caterpillars eat all kinds of plants, the most common. Clover, plantain and many more.

In the world of 1000 species. That is, that's the style - 1000 variants.

Caterpillars unattractive

Although there are very personal


Histia flabellicornis
This worm - also live in the crawler, such it

Cyclosia papilionaris
amazes me is the style. For all the diversity that distinguishes the metallic taste for black and blue with bright red spots. Strictly and with great taste.


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