Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Artley Flute Model 15-0

a new standard school: in fact, already # t1340104

[info] langobard For example, I present and staunch supporter of the discussion of the standard. A supporter of life. And honestly associates saw a little bit. And so the fact that the authors of the standard outright lost the public relations company, media and the Internet - so it is obvious.

[info] ivanov_petrov I am not very interested in the number of supporters of a party. Worse, I understand very little justice concerns and allegations - Or neopaseny and calm. You are a supporter - could not explain why? Pain points: the growing inequities of society, poor schools for poor and rich to rich, the general decline of education due to an incorrect choice, reducing the number of subjects and teachers, etc.
And - what you can see flaws in this standard?

[info] langobard "I'm not very interested in the number of supporters of a party."
And thank God. I just reacted to what you put: All Recent week I was talking about the standard of specialists - and see: the supporters of the standard (not counting the sponsors and officials Minobra) occur in the life of the order less than in the media. This is understandable: piarnyh opportunities advocates have incomparably more ".

And - what you can see flaws in this standard?

Yes, almost no. Is that the "cult OBZH" seems redundant. Let is a compulsory subject, but the hours it must be extremely small.

"Russia in the world" is just very cool innovation that will see the idiotic and scholastic obschestvozanie. In the future, splendiferous sintentichesky subject - history, economics, geography, culture, international relations, politics in one bottle. What you need in an era when globalization is real, on the one hand, but the dreams of romantics globalization, the disappearance of national states, were utopias, on the other.

Here you quote: "" This is absolutely fantastic thing, why the State language is not found in the list of mandatory "- said in an interview with LOOK magazine editor in chief of" Headmaster ", jury chairman nationwide Contest Director, School - 2011 "Konstantin Ushakov".

Well on the subject of the Russian language even those who just did not unsubscribe. First of all, you still have to choose - either Russian, or literature. Second in the vaunted Soviet school, which has sharply reminded the opponents of the standard Russian language - in high school was not!

And most important. Is it acceptable to people in the 14-15 years of age choosing a subject profile, and thus in some sense, the future of higher education and profession? Yes, I am absolutely convinced that for the vast majority of this is possible. Someone makes a mistake - do not argue. And it would be a tragedy. But all these tragedies - is nothing compared with the tragedies of millions who have to suffer with them completely useless items in the unitary school. In the end, you can leave a set of unitary schools - for those who truly staggering.

[info] ivanov_petrov Regarding Rossivmire - not embarrassed that such teachers do not have, and textbooks do not? Come with time?
feared on the differentiation of education - you did not answer - it seems you are not dangerous? Or is it from your point of view, a fait accompli, and the only question is, will be announced his or disguise?

[info] langobard Regarding Rossivmire - not embarrassed that such teachers do not have, and textbooks do not? Come with time?
Nothing good likely will not, I'm a realist in this sense - there would be some carve-up of resources, etc. But the possibility of "good" is. I tried to justify it. In any case worse than the current Social science can not be. Social science - nasty scholasticism, turn away from interest in social cognition.

With regard to the dangers differentiation of what it was about? You mean the rich and the poor (their divorce in two corridors) or a department capable of disability? Or lyrics by physicists? Explain what are you, I'll try to answer

[info] ivanov_petrov Yes, I understand. I'm an optimist in this sense. I can guess how monstrously Sovrem. Social studies. But I believe that be worse - could. For me - the entropy, and you whom to call for help you?
Yes, I'm talking about rich and poor - about. As I understand it made immediately and in other local fears, it is stated as follows. Public school go bad this is worse (which is possible), and these schools will study "all" have nowhere to go. And only a very few actually admitted and rich people can afford to teach the children in either London or in three (five?) cash in Russian schools sane (elite) level. That is, discuss what will be in the elite, it makes no sense - what they want, it will be. and that's what all you can omit the -. And then by birth in the family of people will have with a very early age are either swell the ranks of the elite, or be like everyone else.

I think it says so. I think the picture is not so clear - I think for superpowers "Simple" will open the doors of elite high schools, the geniuses at the top need. So that a mobility will be. - However, this is my reasoning, and you think, more aware.

[info] langobard current school is split into three segments. 1. Schools where such utter trying to educate the elite.
2. School for the workforce.
3. Schools, whose task to retain part of the youth of the final criminalization and marginalization.

It happened by itself, without any involvement commercial factors. That such differentiation will be deepened, but the special hazards for the division of PUBLIC schools on the principle: for the rich and the poor - I personally do not see


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