Sunday, February 27, 2011

Make Chocolate Cigarellos

Cell analyst

very interesting to learn the fate of becoming the teachings of the cell. Of Hooke and Malpighi through the Schwann and Virchow Shleydena to, Py and Koltsov. The fact that it is - one of the cycles, and therefore allows us to look into the future. Cartesian (say so) development program Science required analyticity and the transition to indivisible units of interactions which "differentiation and integration" are extracted descriptions (already analytic) makroproyavleny, "ordinary phenomena. Now it is delaetsya in connection with the boom in molecular genetics. But biology has experienced several such cycles analytical expectations. The most clear and well described - is cytological description of the program, an attempt to describe the "whole" through interaction elementary units - cells - that make up all living things. You can see how productively in this direction and how miserable, as it gives excellent fruit where there is no waiting, and not conducive to solving problems for which it of effort. On the other hand, these cycles - a step in the description of unity. Say, the cell theory has not led to such indivisible, with which you can explain everything, but the solder resin plants and animals in unity. Prior to the establishment of cell theory there were two very different kingdoms of nature, their relationship could only speculate. The cell theory has raised the price of the notion of "live" and lowered - plant, animal, making their family genealogy. That is, before the "live" can be thought of as a unity, but the credibility of the idea falls but to the analyst - is growing. Cell theory allows us to not "think" live and know the unity of the living. According to one mathematician (Claire), is the truth, which realize and who proclaim there is - that prove. In this sense, the role of genetics - the inclusion of bacteria and viruses in the unity of life. However, whenever necessary changing the meaning invested in the notion of "live".

Simplistically speaking, the 18 th century - as indivisible in the analytical program was considered authorities, see Oken, with its assimilation of entire taxa - a single body. 19 th century - Analyst cells
20 century - Analyst genes

can distinguish between similar shapes with the same discoveries - At every level, the same type of generalization, the same modes of reasoning and hope. And the same "quirk" when the program struggled out of the hands and began to yield is not something for what it was sent. And the same confusion - and then eating the fruit of chance.

extremely interesting to compare the work of analytical programs in various sciences - physics, chemistry (the discharge of substances, the selection of elements; schematic allocation formulas), biology and psychology. But this is a separate work. It seems for biology is extremely important that the analyst does not always comprehensive. That is - when describing the next level "of course, elementary, basic, basic, Basic units, etc. - every time the most obvious fact is the reality of non-exhaustion of these units. In the most banal sense: the transition the elements of B cells to the elements, genes, it is obvious that the cell has a lot in addition to genes. Not to mention the extracellular and nadkletochnyh formations. And at other levels the same. That is, something is declared a fundamental, though it is not divisible else. Analytical program each time hoping that somehow converge in general, and on the other make the correction.


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