Friday, February 18, 2011

Nascar Paint Scheme Softwares

for me NOT to take!

began to notice recently that however arise in the queue to the cashier at the store, so be sure to happen is some delay, zastoporka:

- or at the end Kathir paper tape, emboss checks, and he / she begins to frantically search for a new one does not find requests in the next hand, there also is not to be running somewhere in the back, coming back trying to quick-skorenko insert a roll of cash register (with a guilty-apologetic smile), but his hands were trembling, the tape jumps, rolls, falls to the floor, and runs, runs, runs to the other end of the store .....

- either in front of me comes across a client /-ka, met only odnotsentovye coins into the pig piggy bank, and trying to (-Ayasya) to pay a huge pile of coins jingling in a basket of shopping. This first he / she is, and then the seller repeatedly slipping into the next hundred, thousand coins and ... account goes again .....

- a man begins to find out whether there is a presence of the same goods, "only pearl buttons, but after a categorical no vendor, finding continues: but was it? and maybe a few days go? Look, maybe in other branches of the store lying around .... advise, and maybe without the pearl beautiful? etc. ..

- or a lady, unsuccessfully put the bottle of wine in a cart, glass wine bottle is broken, splinters fly in the hand, wine in the beck of an eye spilled on the floor, forming a fragrant puddle in the entire passage through which does not pass, do not jump. Fuss, sea apologies, no headway, the attempt promaknut napkins almost liter of liquid, remove the debris to the side ... people waiting patiently, with with with with with with ....

Or as it is today, cash register seemed tired by the end of the week and decided to start their weekends on the day before the put. Surprised, the cashier pressed pressed its more work, well at least my shift ended, and he in any! Came the head, were two of them together with the cashier to beg, golden mountains offer the Euro- in the form of coins and banknotes, and the one in the condition does not blow: tired and that's it! will not work anymore! declare a strike, I'm going to retire, etc. ..

And yet always coming up to the counter, first I want to make a choice in favor of another, but for some strange sense it was pulling me to the office, near which occur and Similar incidents!

What's this? Bad luck, nepruha, evil eye, just coincidence, an accident (which became permanent)?

So if you see me in line, straight run to the other hand .... for me NOT to take!


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