Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bath Pillow Wedge Straight

Station "cordially" and secret weapon # t81132637

[info] andronic in any year of the beginning of the 90 students on April 1, MIPT perpetrated this action - in several branches of the metro trains on metro nalepili new circle (Station under construction) with the title "cordially" (slang for MIPT). in Moskovsky Komsomolets on this note was. That, say, someone with a cryptic objectives added to the station nevedomymm title.
Well, laugh and forget.

It was interesting then, when I periodically reklamkah and calendars that saw the scheme from this very station. I always could not understand - this is another joke Physicotechnical Institute, or is it a secondary effect - let's say, someone took a picture of the scheme in the car and then redrew for the Date Navigator. A year later, of course, this mess has stopped.
But what was the astonishment when, in 2004, whether that was in the normal stall somewhere in the South West I bought a notebook and found it metro station "cordially". Now that's a very hard time fit into my ideas on probabilities, and about the world as a whole.
This notebook I have working so far. Periodically look at the first page with a map of the metro to avoid conceited.

[info] ivanov_petrov Apparently, the same story - when in a rush looking for the source to print the diagram in a notebook on his arm was caught drawing from those times. But I agree, the story is very good. Several people have established a power movement, that 10 years later replicated documentary evidence. This as a normal argument for future historians - for all discrepancies have reason to believe that the station is cordially in Moscow. Metro was. Add a legend of hidden in this forgotten treasure Phystech station. It is known that in the 90's, many graduates went into business and not a few have succeeded. So, they razed their belongings Welcome to the station, which blocked the entrance and the entrance, where they had a treasure trove. Already in the zero years of entrance to the station was lost and forgotten. After such a message diggers are obliged to look for this station for years, drawing tentative routes. It will also be a rich historiography.

[info] andronic little wrong. unfinished station Fiztekh obviously was somewhere in Novodachnom (it's on the other side of the railway from fiztehovskogo campus, interestingly, Novodachny adpinistrativno part of the city of Moscow). Construction mothballed in 91-92 years in connection with the then confusion. So Here a group of grown rich while Physicotechnical Institute - supporters of the Soviet Union (if an oxymoron, it is actually an existing one) to organize there a secret plant production of non-trivial (electromagnetic, acoustic, psychotropic, etc.) weapon for the future of the pro-Soviet uprising. There's also brought some technical innovations, invented in the USSR, and deprived of funding Gaidar, Chubais.
In 1993 the organizers of the conspiracy could not agree to maintain Is it the Supreme Council or not. Time was lost. In early October the factory was liquidated FSO together with most of the staff. Station closed forever and ever.

Nevertheless, according to rumors that some of the development of 91-93 years and the documentation to stay there.


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