Monday, February 21, 2011

Airtel Recharge From Hdfc Card

ivanov_petrov @ 2011-02-21T22: 32:00

Suppose I tell a terrible tale.
That had all the Greek states, Athens there, Thebes, Corinth and other. They among themselves fought, intrigued, to form unions and betrayed, a story of it all. Then they even united, but in the other states and became part of Empire. and then they were not quite the Greeks, but polimperii was Greek - and this empire all changing, changing, until it was conquered, and then it's much absolutely not the Greeks, that is very strange to say, although some people still called themselves Greeks.

But is not the case. All these different countries considered himself in the circle ancient literature, created hundreds of years before all this. And this ancient literature affects the whole wide world, and even when the barbarians were built west of the kingdom, and when the barbarians were united in the Empire, and when it is already on the map was no Greek empire - all the time what is happening in the world is determined by what was century ago, written in Greek. That is, in Greek, no single Greek, of course, was not there.

destinies of countries and states - is one thing, and that creates great literature - the other, and it lives and influences.

But, of course, history is not repeated. Here lived various Germanic tribes, and the fact that they form, and even states can not be named. Gradually, under Roman influence from this evolved some kind of manageable units, but then the soldiers came from the east, and everything will become very clear. Lasted all of this mess for a long time, but still a great poem of the Nibelungs, and remains a great saga in the north. And then, through the centuries. gradually formed a people for whom it was his - even though there is not evenly divisible. And then these people even bought a state, although it was not for good. But all this is still continuing, and there are many details, and this literature is no impact, like the Greek, there was quite a different story.

History is always different, I'm just saying - the literature over the States, their influential literature on the long term. In fact, long-term. Stood for centuries of the empire to an end, and tribes who populated them, changes in the composition. But influential language, especially - as long as it is spoken. And here we must look at what can pass the language. Maybe a people's epic genius, the other - something else. The Greeks were, of course, still a brilliant philosophy. But history does not repeat that. that will go into the ages of great literature - That's what makes sense to look at. So it makes sense to consolidate, in which to invest. Of course, in order not write great literature, and even canned boetsievy do not save the situation. Anything can happen, and miraculously the Greek culture is passed through two intermediate language Arabic preserves. Yet the more distinctly described near-contemporaries of this literature, more than understood, interpreted and explained - the more it will have influence throughout the ages.

And then interesting to think about the known - remembering what kind of literature is whether all remember and we know from the fund, which will be so proud of the people through the ages, when he became an influential and irreplaceable when he will determine the interaction of peoples and the relations of States. And to think there was anything else that would be longer than the state, and more stable than people. Usually say: that's just it. But suddenly all that will be found.


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