Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bmv Tag Renewalcolumbus

ivanov_petrov @ 2011-02-24T19 : 15:00

this note should have been able to write the Lombards, if possessed relevant information. In one well-known peterbugskom holding company consisting of many disparate businesses, has a tradition of touching: the authorities once a year fulfills every desire of the collective, expressed in the form of choral singing in the Christmas corporate party. Special committee "of the people" choose this wish, and instructs the most gifted compose a song on a popular tune ... Then they sing. The year before, was asked to open for office workers "in contact" and other social services. network. Opened. In 2010, the crisis gripped their claws on one of unprofitable branches. Had a certain no last boss dress African-American (so much so that few of those present recognized him) and push rap with a request not to close the branch. Composed of a support group chorus, too, from time to time putting in their lines, Aeschylus, Sophocles forcing a turn over in their graves. And upheld the same filialchik, although there were already prepared documents for the disbandment jur. person.
In general, the old good tradition: "daughter of Herodias came in and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said to the damsel: Ask of me what you want, and give thee" (Mark 6:22). Especially, that dictates how the internal advocatus diaboli, the ethnic composition of the top management of the holding corresponds exactly to that in the court of Herod. It's nice that none of the dancing has not occurred to require a head on a platter just. And besides, the pyramid Maslow no one has yet canceled (you can cancel it, it's not the law of gravity. You can - But not abolished yet). Therefore, first the immediate needs, and then every chelovekoyadnaya luxury.

Tale desperately need, as a symbolic image of the genuine hero. When my neighbor in the village in Tver, a young boy. purchased by the father of the pit in Chechnya. walked across the field, with moonshine nalivshis am, rocked a sailor tie the ship, shouted to me izdalika - Mitric, my it's all or none of my? - I had nothing to say. After three years of captivity he lived, a day without a liter of vodka, and when drank vodka merzavchik singed, his heart stopped. It would be better he became a Muslim, but the village did not come back, the donkey would be where - somewhere in Khorasan.

real patriotism at the behest of the heart

... to cut social spending.

about native Americans. More growth and photogenic, but my podvymerli

"The presence of sense" - is irreducible, is not amenable to analysis of residual attribute some of the statements
depth of an idea depends on the capacity of the one who listens to her

God acts upon the soul, rather than on history

Intellectual rudeness - a vice, which is most difficult to avoid today

So our family, Kets (byvsh.Starskie) schislyaetsya 300-something knees. There are other kinds, and much older. For example Inderskie more than 350 tribes.
A Taradanskie for 480 knees! It is 12,000 years old, if that ... In their first bylyah says that they wandered and came to this land of Tara, began to live there, and round the sea was cold, which then passed. So really 12000let ago all Zap.Sibir covered vast boreal basin underlaid with the north glacier, and when the glacier melted, the sea has gone ... "and" Tara data "islands became Taradanovskim ridges, koy and now in the middle of the Kemerovo region sticks out ... The oldest bylyah described even elk hunt elephants and elephant shaggy, as well as on a unicorn bull ... What is it, if not the Pleistocene fauna, mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses?
Huge bison could not kill for example (such as sacred animals), and their labeled Bryntsalov. Lured into the pit, bending back the logs and drill a hole in the horn and then hung up the two metal wedges that bryakali to this monster could hear it from afar, because males often trampled on livestock and people (this is a grandmother bylyah tell). And we have at hand in the Kuzbass coal-fired cuts, when stripping every now and find a huge skull with the horns of buffalos and some of them with neat holes ... If povspominat all that I childhood from their elders heard this on a thick book will suffice.
In general, Siberia, untilled place. The main official version of history do not believe for a lie to 99,9% # comment-2770

I am writing a post now, which is often mention of the Internet. Had an idea - what if the Internet because hop! and disappear? Altogether. Whole. Forever. Will only telephone. How to change my life? Well, first of all, I lose my all of their income. Images for websites will not be needed my ex-boss, drains and our blog will not exist, the photos I also have no one selling, and the place they are unlikely to some Filipinos will be needed. I will be scratched by susekam, I mean my card, if ATMs are alive. I certainly will look underworking in place until a visa is valid. In principle, I am ready to work as a waitress and, if the roof over your head will be and if not will require a work visa. Any more processing, look for reflection. May begin once rukotvornichat and try to sell it. Or simply'll ask for someone in the household for a roof and meals. Can bore even in some remote village and will live garden. In an extreme last resort need to call relatives and borrow. Return to Russia still does not want to, to survive there will be even easier. The main thing that the visa in the crime is not slipping)
about some new place for me I will learn only from people, this information will be awfully small and I would feel a hedgehog in the fog. But then will score, of course, his eyes no longer run up, and good) for an airline ticket will go to the desk legs. Oh. Well, that's if the money generally some will.
write a post about the life and journeys will be no place, no time and no reason, there will be total immersion in the real)) Relationship with many friends lost, maybe, they, too, scattered all over the world, and how to find phone numbers, is not very clear. Can meet on the sly grain chain.
it would be difficult learn something in a rapid. For new knowledge will have to go to the library if you do not dwell in the jungle, scoring at all. And for this we must be impruvit your Inglish in a waltz tempo. But it turns out to be not so difficult, maybe, do speak and communicate will have a lot more often. Most likely, and the local language with joy studied.
get up I am in the morning, as all normal humans, I will not forget to brush your teeth, look at the sky, lunch. I would be more able to do something with his hands. I would be more read. And what. Not so bad)) It's not that now with the internet I have defective life, do not I like it a lot and I draw inspiration from here, to develop and self-fulfilling. But even without the Internet does not damn, just going a little bit different.
And how your life would change if you're not just thrown to the Internet, and if Had he gone altogether?
- and if I still would have gone mobile communication?
Skype has not been
impossible to imagine!

- read the post and as much goose bumps ran, honestly! )))
- would have lost the only earning (online store)
- my husband would have lost work (he SEOs)
- would be deprived of many Friends
- would have lost 80% of their communication

it at least.
not want tryndet "would have lost the meaning of life", but if all of life takes place in the network - something not done too with exaggeration ...

- so much the same way;)
my online store would be just little shops ...
and apparently I would have to go back to work, not sit home on his couch, sipping tea;)
with "natural" mothers, I would not acquainted in the community, and the chain through parent clubs, apparently ... namely, that in basically, my social circle. well, or the terms would change, other topics to talk would have been;)
movies would have to buy and take at the box office, and not to download and watch online;) to read more, yes. recipes to rewrite her friends and take in the books.
and most incomprehensible - where to take any phone firms and specialists without the Internet = (How people find them, those who do not use an Internet active? Here I needed a repair of the refrigerator - I have 2 minutes found the shop, he immediately called and made sure that the refrigerator is time to dump;))) and how I would look for a wizard anyway? I have no idea ...

fiasco of the Russian humanities paulus01 scanned 14,000 items Dutch online bookstore in classical philology.
from 14,000 books of all 5 Russian
"The first (and only) modern" our author - A. Kalinina (book 2007, published in Stuttgart in German). From the "old" authors - three books on painting Grabar, including Jacobson's, and some 60-ies. book on the excavations in southern Russia (it seems more one has forgotten, in the title of another mentioned Rostovtsev - "From Gibbon to Rostovtsev). "
" I give an excerpt caught all-Russian-authors: UTTSCHENKO, SL, The ideological and political struggle in Rome on the eve of the fall of the Republic. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1956. VIII, 240p. Cloth. Cover stained. Pen markings pp.13-28. € 17.00 (Antiquarian)
Vasiliev, AA, History of the Byzantine Empire 324-1453. Volume I. Volume II, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1958. 2 vols. VIII, 374, 375-846p. Paperback. Bt yellowed, spine some traces of use. € 24.00 (Antiquarian) (автор -. Эмигрант, родился в 1867 г)
YALICHEV, S., Mercenaries of the Ancient World. Constable, London, 1997. Xvi, 286P. Paperback. [Uncorrected proof copy]. € 37.00
ZIELINSKI, T., The Ancient World and us. Lectures at the University of St. Petersburg. Authorized translation by E. Schoeler. Dieterich, Leipzig, 1905. 126p. Bound. Head and tail spine as well as corners little bit worn. € 14.50 (Antiquarian)
ZIELINSKI, T., Cicero over the centuries. Teubner, Leipzig / Berlin, 1912. 3rd rev.ed. VIII, 371p. Cloth. Cover rust stained. € 29.00 (Antiquarian) "
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