Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sample Cover Letter Mac Cosmetics

ivanov_petrov @ 2011-02-27T14: 04:00

- I was walking once on a flea market, where grandparents are selling junk. Look, one old man among old keys, pieces of iron, wine corks, and other debris, which he regarded as a commodity, there is one single-wide film. It surprised me, since more No photographic supplies at its counter, a newspaper I had not noticed. Went and picked up, look-it is already on display. Being intrigued, I ask, why Granddaddy sells already exposed film? Grandfather in response swears and swears that the film is clean, not a photo, and generally the most that neither is perfect. Tried to indicate old man on the video available on the word "exposed", but the veteran is in denial and continues to insist that the film is clean, that's it right now just take and take off, best film in the world do not find, all in the same spirit. When asked where he had this film, a retiree nothing coherent could not answer, obviously, and he no longer remembered. This story struck me as funny, and I bought this film.
- History, indeed, trivial. Stunned! Photographs for 27 years.
most striking thing is that the images I'm with family. Now we look like "little" older, but my wife has changed little, well, and as proof I have a great set of photos of those years.

- AAAA is Well I am! and my mom ..
I'm on the bottom of pictures in the middle. And my mom at the same pictures on the right!

- do good and throw it into the water .. may be of use to and I have;) as it turned out well sooo small town we have .. again 27 years later found all the members photo shoot:)

- Oh, how beautiful everything turned out:)
And as a small world ... Krasnodar:)))

Mom: Come on, there father wants to see you in skype. Dad: Yes, I see. And then, perhaps, there has long been there is no Ani. Aha, I see. There is also the only one. Do you know how to write this character? First E, but not normal, and mirror-reversed, so that looks the same location as E. This is actually a quantifier - "there." But if after that E put an exclamation point, it would mean "there is a only. But if after that write "Anya" and a colon, then the entire expression is read "There is only one Anna, such that ...".

Mom: And here at this exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery, devoted to Elizabeth, my friends and we learned a new word - "zveropisets. And ICQ it had not previously met, I never ... Did you know that word?
Me: Of course. Artist-animal painter.
Mom: Well, we never. What a wonderful word! And why was abandoned?
I: Vaughn Dictionary language of the XVIII century's worth, 17 volumes, out there on every page is full of beautiful words, renounced.

Moscow, forest - Voronezh / / / evening listening to the BBC, there were talking about the salvation of a fox from the unfinished high-rise towers and said, among other things, that the fox appeared in London in 30 years last century and since then, and live and survive them out of the city is quite impossible. In general the usual case, in Voronezh martens for example live in attics, etc. Moscow stray dogs on the trolleybus ride where they want. He remembered that when he taught at MSU and this was my third work, employment with students asked to put themselves on Saturday. And every Saturday, until all the people were asleep in their beds at 7:30 in the troleybusnoy we stop with one dog waiting 7 cipher, in which together we reach the observation deck, where I walked into the main building on foot, and he on his own business on the Vorobiev hills. And it does not confuse routes clearly sat in the seven! San Francisco's Telegraph Hills parrots live. Well I thought that there must be, and these images Lisov in London. Google in your hand.

CA Czeisler and JJ Gooley, 2007 Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Humans.
Overview of sleep and circadian rhythms in human aging.
rhythm of sleep-wake opredeyaetsya Two FACT. First - this is an internal biochemical circadian rhythm. It runs a special nerve center - the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, and is almost exactly 24 hours. In the suprachiasmatic nucleus is the so-called pacemaker - a structure that is able to maintain a rhythm. Suprachiasmatic kernel cyclically changes the level of "encouragement" of the brain and the rest of the body. It is controlled by natural light, getting signals about the brightness of light from the retina eyes. Above all the sensitivity of the suprachiasmatic nucleus to the blue part of the spectrum, so blue light awakens the best.
The second factor is called «Homeostatic sleep drive» - about "the homeostatic sleep drive" because nobody really knows what it is. This factor is that during days accumulated need for sleep. Something like fatigue metabolic processes. A good indicator of this need is one of the metabolites - Adenosine. When the need for sleep reaches a certain critical velchiny include other core - preoptic, which sends a "sleepy" signal reducing the activity of cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates the release of the hormone of sleep - melatonin *. Normally, melatonin begins stand for about two hours before sleep and provokes a dream. More suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates the cycle of mass change any settings in the body: the temperature body, the pressure of the immune system, hormone concentrations, etc.

Work suprachiasmatic nucleus, and in particular, the release of melatonin is directly dependent the lighting level. Every day light "reset" suprachiasmatic nucleus - metabolism synchronizes with the day-night cycle. However, this system has one weak spot. It can easily be found by looking at the ceiling. Called "bulb". All kinds of animals (starting with the simplest **) inclusion light shortly before the start of the physiological circadian rhythm sleep breaks. Violations are of two types. Type 1 - a simple phase shift of the loop for several hours, and type 2 - the shift to 12 hours with a decrease in signal amplitude pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The latter means that the biochemical parameters are almost cease to vary cyclically, that is optimal metabolism is not achieved for either sleep or to wakefulness. Type of violation depends on the intensity and duration his perception. Both types of shifts have been found in humans. For example, an ordinary room light (~ 100 lux) causes the hour and a half shift of type 1. Suprachiasmatic nucleus was terribly sensitive: even light candles cause slight shift of the circadian rhythm.

The effect of sleep deprivation:

- 24-hour sleep deprivation affects the brain approximately as 0.10% blood alcohol, and just as people tend to underestimate how much worse they think. For example, the reaction time increases three-fold.

- of interns working for 24 hours, make 36% more serious medical errors than those who shift to 16 hours.

- People returning to with a 24-hour shift chances of getting into a car accident are doubled.

- 6 hours of sleep a week is equivalent to a single 24-hour deprivation sleep. Accumulated quite a large amount of data that sleep deprivation disrupts the immune system.

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