Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cheap Victorian Furniture

jannafr @ 2011-02-23T21: 46:00

We recorded we Linochku in kindergarten. No, you do not think that we have decided to get rid of the 5-month crumbs, gave it to the nursery (even though I was surprised that the nursery here take babies from 6 months ... can not imagine as possible to give such a small rebyatenka? But perhaps, just in case there are in life). As it turned out, the situation with children. gardens in Germany, a complicated and problematic, kindergarten little kids a lot (it turns out most recently in Berlin, there has been a baby boom), the fight for places is not a joke, so you need "cook in the summer sled" , recorded in the garden for 1.5-2 years.

In Germany there are 2 options: either kindergarten or Tagesmutter , literally "day mother", ie private nurse-educator. Tagesmutter we shallows immediately, because This is the first expensive, and secondly we are not satisfied. Why? Well, judge for ... Tagesmutter usually takes 3.5 babies to take care who are at her house, or apartment. Usually, children are given a room where they play, eat and sleep. Nanny is not required children to develop: learning to read, draw, sing with them etc., if she wants to go to the store to shop, post office, a bank to pay the bills, it does so not in my spare time, and takes the children and attending to her needs. Probably as a temporary nanny is convenient, but it seems to me that such a pastime is not much a developing baby (because less room itself, and little toys) very small groups means a minimum of social contact and not contribute to more communication.
Yes, and questionable educational level nurse. We say that it can be, listening to lectures in 80 hours and receive a certificate. In this case, you can dial babies after the first 40-hours and listen remaining hours later. It turns out that just 2 weeks you new-found Tagesmutter. Somehow unprofessional.
therefore remains to kindergarten. As I have already noted, places must be booked in advance, for a half or two years, and since we want to give Linochku to kindergarten in 2 years old, then took up the issue now.
near us (in 5-7-minute walk) there are 3 kindergarten, first went to the one closest, he is right in our yard, you can even see out the window. And he deceives us first to their external view, because he had just been repaired, restored, replacing the facade, replacing all the windows and insulate the walls. "By their looks, we estimate it at 5 stars! (The photo is all it is, merry, eh?) Both the garden did not disappoint: all clean, well maintained, nice head. Groups are usually up to 15 people in each group 3 kindergarten teacher, a place exempt before the academic year, ie August-September (which is just convenient for us, because we September). By the way, with us was still the other 2 couples with small children, who also came to see the garden, and one pregnant woman - a future mommy! Yes, yes, some are thinking about the future your child even when he does not even born. But, in my opinion, it is a very correct.
Another very big plus to all - is that the breakfast / dinner is ready right on the spot (in the garden has its own kitchen), and not to bring unknown origin, and is used solely Fresh Organic Produce (nowadays it is very important)!

But whether we would get into this garden, or do not have to say is difficult. We signed up, we have included in the list, but only in March 2012 (ie one year), it is somewhere at 90% will say is Is a place for us. And now will need to call every quarter, confirming its interest, such as marked. How many people is on the list is unknown, but then someone can move to another district, to change your mind to give the child in kindergarten, find another det.sad etc. .... so let's hope!


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