Monday, February 14, 2011

Observable Impairments Of Acquired Brain Injury

jannafr @ 2011-02-14T18: 35:00

something winter has dragged on, do not you think? This is probably because it started early in this year, after the first cold and the snow suddenly "pleased" us back in November. If I, as a child, the first snow was happy, cheerful patterned snowflakes, a driving dance outside the window, but now rarely Waltzing white beauties only cause ill: once cold, frost, snow ... not hochuuuuu!
And although the calendar More February, but I open the door wide open in anticipation of a welcome guest - Spring!
But to be perfectly honest, I'd love to live there, where the eternal summer, such as the Canaries, the memories of that visit last spring, still warms me warm Canarian sunshine ...
Let these photos and will warm you This winter's evening.


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