Monday, February 21, 2011

Invitaton Wording For Pay

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Social aromorphosis can roughly be defined as a concept, which combined universal (widespread changes) innovation in the development of social organisms and their systems, increasing complexity, adaptability, integrity and mutual influence of society, promote the formation and progressive development nadobschestvennyh systems at different levels (see: Grinin, Korotaev, 2007; 2008; Grinin et al, 2008).

as examples of social aromorphoses include: the invention of primitive egalitarian redistribution conducive better adaptation to the environment and sustainability groups, ideological understanding of kinship, a versatile easy the social structure and the transition to the generating economy, gave rise to massive increase in food and the use of энергии животных; создание крупномасштабной системы ирригации, обеспечившей базис цивилизации и государства; появление городов – в рамках процесса урбанизации only able to develop all the many cultural and social processes, the social division of labor, ensure the growth of craft, trade, governance, culture, the emergence of the state in which qualitatively changed all social, ethnic and political processes, the emergence of writing, that was the basis of the information revolution and the emergence of civilization, the bureaucracy, artistic culture, science, and the transition to the metallurgy of iron, after then only to complete the formation of world-system in its main Eurasian borders; emergence of world religions, which allowed the cultural, ideological and ethically to bring together hundreds of the alien to each other societies and peoples, the invention of printing technology that gave rise to the second information revolution; the emergence of a new type of science based on mathematics, resulting in rates of innovation have increased by orders of magnitude, the formation of the national market, has created basis for the industrial revolution; emergence of computer technology, etc.
Macroevolution and the World-System: The new face of conceptualizing Grinin LE, Korotaev AV

Despite the fact that the version of world-systems approach, developed by Andre Gunder Frank (Frank 1990; 1993; Frank and Gills 1993), much less is known Wallerstein's version of it in our view, has a much bolshuyu scientific value. AG Frank draws attention to the fact that in the approach of I. Wallerstein the concept of "world-system" is largely loses its meaning. Indeed, if the pre-capitalist era of the world consisted of hundreds of marginal social systems, it is unclear what meaning is denoted by each of them as "world-system."

approach of the AG Frank's much more logical. He believed that it should go only about one world-system (which he preferred to designate it by using capital letters). In this case, the AG Frank, The World-System was born many thousands of years before the "long sixteenth century" in the Middle East. This idea is already reflected in the name famous monograph, published under the his BA and Jills Edited by: World-System: 500 or 5000 years? (Frank and Gills 1993). This world-system has gone through a series of phases of expansion and contraction phases, gradually including all the new of our planet, yet in the XIX century. it is not covered is the whole world. We emphasize that the XIX century. Thus was not the time of occurrence of world-system, which existed before thousands of years, and its climactic moment of growth.

... The most important properties of the world system are the following: a) the emergence of a new functional (Or aromorfnoy) zone, the new center entails, sooner or later, not only pulling up to the center of adjacent territories, but also the appearance later in the other places of similar functionality and aromorfnosti centers. The appearance of the first civilizations and then led to new waves of formation of civilizations; b) Further, these centers are beginning to compete with each other and thus interact in various ways, mutually influencing each other, c) polycentrism This function is retained even in the case of political unification of large regions, d), this function then gets more complex features, or big aromorfnost (The ability to expand, etc.). And then the process can go on the same algorithm. In respect of civilization, we see that in the end it becomes an integral feature of the world system. Further, at a new stage, it comes with world religions, because civilization is inseparably linked with the presence of a number of world religions, or their analogs (see, for example: Grinin 1998). The same applies to the emergence and development of statehood. This also applies to state in terms of geopolitical "imperial", ie, in the sense of desire to dominate the world.

I would draw attention to the thoughts here live. The authors summarize world history - the idea, in their synthesis should all live a fruitful conceptual designs that are only looking for when studying the history of 2000 years.

What is there any. Thought - two. First: there is progress of various technologies. People have needs, these needs can be addressed more extensively and effectively, used for this symbolic and mechanical machines and methods of constructing such machines have the technology. At times, opening up new machines or significantly improve the old machines. Second thought: after the creation of a new machine the way it diffuses building, capturing an increasing number of cell-based communities around.

Here recall the survival of the fittest. Of all the things people thought about the story that you can think about it, of all varieties are now surviving here this a couple of thoughts. Others can no longer be thought of. These stories indicate no idea on how history is constructed, they accurately indicate the amount of consciousness of the modern rights. Two thoughts. Two.

And the thought is now accepted tyrit.

Historians are taking the concept of biologists. Lamenting that the necessary concepts are not formed in the historical Science. Biologists are taking the notion of economists. For lack. Economists would like to take the concept of mathematics. But fingers are through.

for illustrative purposes only
To say what is there is not enough, we must pronounce that way about another world history.

In this sense, a very interesting job. Usually, historians write watery, not allowing the arm to grasp and calculate the thought. And I do not think the writers are bad - on the contrary, very good. Most historians has at least two thoughts.


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