Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sudden Drop Of Feeling In Stomach

Science - force

Moskalev IE

networks of scientific communication: an interdisciplinary approach
«Time intensive school and university Reform is both time-intensive work on the classification of knowledge and sciences »Stichweh R. 1984
... University began to perform quite certain institutionalized function in relation to the disciplinary structure of modern science.
... «The idea of a new education and science after 1800 was due more to the concept of" science "rather than a multiplicity of Science »Stichweh R. 1984

In 1807 Fichte proposed to replace the professional education at the university general education, which allows to reveal the internal relationship within the entire scientific knowledge. Fichte's ideas formed the basis of the university program Humboldt (Collins and RS 840).

That is, these people - Humboldt, Fichte - To determine how science is composed of 19 centuries, to a large extent - even the 20 th century.
Then, in the mid 20 th century, there was a revolution in education - there were universities the new device. Of them runs a new institutional structure of science. It is important to understand - the former University of Science and former no longer exists, it is the same name the concept of having other functions, and other device.

Shtihvey argues that in XIX-XX centuries. science began Nouveau transformed into operationally closed autopoietic system.
Operationalized closure means in this case is that all the ingredients (components) of science are defined production process truth. Indeed, science itself produces all of its elements, from which she also composed, and the main product of science is knowledge. In this case, there is no no other language than the language of science to talk about knowing and not-knowing and make a distinction between them. Thus, even our view of the not-knowing and "not-yet-knowing" is defined scientific theory and scientific discipline.

All these thoughts are much shorter and clearer Shchedrovitskii said. Science is a machine for the production of truth. It makes no sense to ask what is the truth. Truth is - this is what makes science. There is such a social machine, it takes people and resources, hums, spits, flinch - and from one side turns a set of sticks, they wrote: "Truth." No other truth, science does not know. Any other ideas about truth - Non-scientific, that is protivonauchny, it is not-true.

Who does not like - should understand what it is. Science is now considered to be the only rational force in society, by force, giving the society to survive, the hope of all the forces of humanity, to learn about the reality. Outside science - only marginal, with their chirp in each head. Inside the science - no scientist will accept and will not support a non-scientific activities, even just a cognitive activity. This will be a campaign of personal forces against the most powerful social institution. Moreover - this will be a private rebellion against the fact that until now, most people considers good. And, second, the good is not good, but billions of present population feeding from the hands of science. Speech against - actually speaking out against power that feeds billions of people.

"Just want to understand the truth" - is no longer a harmless private lesson. Yes, however, it has never been a harmless personal occupation.

In the second half of the twentieth century. scientific work ceases to be distracted from the interests of society looking for new ideas. All research projects require support of public institutions. The emergence of technology-intensive projects identified key strategies for scientific research. In research projects post-industrial society (the end of XX - beginning of the twenty-first century.) had a strong social and humanitarian component.

... Considering the scientific disciplines in terms of organization theory of social systems, we can conclude that the disciplinary science within each discipline has a network structure that is properties such as:
- decentralized management;
- an informal relationship;
- horizontal communication;
- self-organization.

Stichweh R. Zur Entstehung des modernen Systems wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen: Suhrkamp, 1984.
Stichweh R. Wissenschaft, Universitat, Professionen: soziologische Analysen. Fr. a / M.: Suhrkamp, 1994.
Luhmann N. Okologische Kommunikation: kann die moderne Gesellschaft sich auf Okologische Gefordungen einstellen? Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1986.
Collins R. Sociology of Philosophies. Global theory of intellectual change. Novosibirsk: Siberian chronograph, 2002.

Another thing is that nothing special. In the world of social networks that may be the most common punishment? Exclusion from social networks. If you look back and look at the described disciplinary organization of science, one can easily see who it is and how it will implement the sanctions. To no silly fantasies about the bloody gebne and the Inquisition. Now these dedicated employees do not need self-service, all with their own hands.


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