Sunday, February 27, 2011

Female Latino Scientists

Ninth Century: tying knots

Charlemagne and destruction, baptism of the Saxons. Europe is given a sample: what to do with the people that have are not a Christian, but - the Europeans and neighbors. The Christianization of Europe and the end of German Arianism.
Pope Nicholas 1 and the idea of a hierarchy in the church. Clearly stated that order - the army, the hierarchy of bishops headed by "stay should only be one." Is the idea of splitting the church. John Scotus Erigena: one of the last attempts philosophize in Europe, based on the internal momenta of thought. Tried to defend the freedom of thinking in a dispute with dogmatism. Not understood by virtually anyone. The Future of repetition. Unpacked boetsievy canned appear Episcopal School. The Future of thought - under the authority of dogma, free thinking tepery doomed to antihristianstvo.
Poyavlenie text Psevdoareopagita Dionysus. In IX Veche ABBA Hilduin around Saint-Denis privez through Byzantium rukopisi «Areopagitik» and John Scotus Erigena translated them into Latin. Christian thought placed between the poles: Augustine and Areopagitiki.

Ireland has retained its own tradition of Celtic Christianity, and the flow copied the Gospels and the missionaries sent out in central and eastern Europe.
Once I'm in the fence forest;
for foliage whistling thrush;
over my notebook
noise and hubbub of the branches of nests.
And the cuckoo in the bush
sings the whole forest;
God, what a grace
here writing in the shadow of heaven!
(Irish monk in the VIII.)

With white Pangurom my together in the cell, we sit
not tiresome two of us:
everyone is busy with his own.
I am diligent reading,
bookish teaching;
Pangur otherwise Kazan:
he attracted mice.
knows he screwed up his eyes,
under the wall of a mouse hole;
my eye sees deep into the line:
abyss knowledge deeply.
merry it when jumping mouse
overtake in a corner;
gay, I like to network their
essence of wisdom caught.
Cote used to - and I'm
feuding enemies books;
every one of us his own way:
it - willingly, I - by letter.
(on the margins of the Greek declension found an Irish poem dedicated to a cat named Pangur. Monks in Ireland at this time to study Greek theology, as well as Latin and Hebrew.).
Irish Christianity were thwarted attacks by Vikings a couple of centuries.

Formed French Empire and the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, began the Reconquista. The beginning of feudal Europe. The Vikings begin raids on the north-western Europe, continued movement of the German people. From the prairies to the east come next nomads - Hungary. But the whirlwind of peoples gradually calms down, people settle down and there is politics.

time out of the bottle. Only that it was all shaky, all the old forms collapsed, the new could not be fixed, solid Spin vague and meaningless names and tribes. But now things are concatenated together in these first moments determined - what will be history for many centuries to come. When the time comes in the bottleneck, the differences are erased - that by the same standards was important and very different, is in the same price and equally fruitless. Lose heart - that is done, the end of one, all mixed together, loses its value. The output of the visibility still exists, but in fact - on the contrary: the fact that for nearly indistinguishable and it seems in the same price - and then play, and how. Misunderstood to be revoked hundreds of years and have to pay millions of lives, to make way for the road, which previously could get just a couple of extra hours of thought. And if you break will not - then have to pay billions. Lives, not dollars, of course.


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