Monday, February 21, 2011

Location Of Glory Holes Va

check checks, cash on the spot!

Tell me honestly, you are viewing checks, check out the surrender on the spot?
confess that I take in an armful of shopping and flying headlong toward the exit from the store. And surely in vain.

Today I had to stand in a queue extra 10 minutes, which was another confirmation that THIS no accident, no coincidence, as turn unique (from the word "Turn"), bad luck. Well have to live with it.
At this time, had to wait till she tackles personnel in connection with improperly punched price, found it on the check. As it turned out, the new action-discount for olive oil has not been entered into the system of cash machines, and she paid full price for the goods. I would like even paid any attention, because and thought that this could happen, but she was more attentive. Though it had to wait long to address the issue but for me it was a lesson for the future.
In principle, this is not the first occasion, seen me, when an error is detected when paying, but I'm always uncomfortable to hold turn, disturb the seller (if it is a small amount). Although
because there is nothing in this terrible - to defend their rights as a buyer. After all, nobody you abuse the non nakrichit, skew will not look, do not send for a certain number of letters (as in Soviet times), but only politely and kindly smile, even if you find yourself, and wrong. But apparently some sort of "fear" staff unconsciously sitting still as a child ages and still can not eliminate Even after almost 10 years of living abroad.


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