Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Unlock The Mailbox On A Nortel Phone

Can you remember instances when the army - or the power of all - forgotten?

Well, Death Wazir-Mukhtar is a guard, koy stands beside the road and protect her, as thirty-five years ago like it was told, salary No, but feed go - seems to be - well, he protects, in the middle of Russia in the middle of the road.
This literature. My neighbor, a Soviet paratrooper. On the teachings of his cast radio operator in the swamp, as he could podgreb something for themselves, spring, cold, creepy, well aired and what there is to be passed. Waist-deep in water. Teachings lasted two days, but about him forgotten. A week later recalled immediately to the hospital.
the Far East, often someone forgot, and made clothes. Guys with guns either beg, whether plunder - zhrachku something out of forgetfulness ceased to deliver.
sure a lot of these stories - just as no to evil and not cruelty, but simply forgot.
But this is a long time. And now - forgotten?


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